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Harveyhfx last won the day on November 7 2018

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About Harveyhfx

  • Birthday April 26

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  1. Ohh shit :O been using the spoofer aswell?
  2. Aha nice, miss this. And you just keep getting bans?
  3. fortnite is a free game. just make a new account and try again.
  4. Thank you and will do. Sorry for late reply
  5. Hi, I have come across this DC server as it was being advertised on another rust server. And he's saying he's selling some type of fishy blacksector cheat. it just doesn't seem right... Maybe he's just a reseller and I'm wrong. Just seems strange to me. I'm already invited to BS rust and pubg, so I'm not buying off this guy. Just want to make sure. Good day
  6. @how02should deffo increase the price when invites open again. Will help keep it UD for longer
  7. A working, undetected HWID spoofer is more rare than undetected rust cheats.
  8. You obviously don't know how cheats work. He still needs and EAC bypass, whether he is making; aimbot, esp etc. Its pretty much all the same
  9. Yeh man, I used nord on a server, and I got banned as someone had got kicked banned on that server using the same connection as me. Nord is too common
  10. Well yeah if you have a static ip then you will get insta banned everytime?? Haha :ROFL:
  11. Good advice. Though if you get Hwid banned I'd recommend just wiping your HDD/SSDthen use a; hwid spoofer, mac spoofer and vpn. Much easier and probs safer. And wouldn't really recommend Nord as so many of nords connections have been blacklisted by EAC and rust servers.
  12. company of dumbs but they are cucking you? hahaha, pretty sure that means they are doing a good job.
  13. So you actually get HWID banned after ur first ban now?
  14. How02 is a solo coder. So if you can’t wait possible months after a new anti cheat update is released, go elsewhere to cheat that is up to date.
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