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Everything posted by ZoomV1

  1. Sup.
  2. Hey, welcome to BSS Hope to see you around !
  3. I go on BSS all the time on my phone (Gotta stayed occupied during school) there's nothing wrong with the website on mobile
  4. Scar Face and Get Out
  5. Alright, i'll definitely check it out.
  6. Highly recommend Prison Break, GREAT show. I was sad they discontinued it for awhile but then they made a new season and now i'm sad again.
  7. Thanks, ill look more into it.
  8. ZoomV1

    Rust hack

    Nice, simple review. Sounds good. Can't wait to get my hands on it and test it myself
  9. Anyone here have Far Cry 5 or have watched enough that they know how it is? I'm looking for a fun single player game and have enjoyed the older Far Cry games but haven't really looked into Far Cry 5. Other single player game suggestions are accepted
  10. Sounds interesting. Thanks for taking your time and doing this!
  11. I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me
  12. This site has the best hacks for the games they have available. Fully legit. There wouldn't be a community backing it if it wasn't. Welcome to BSS community.
  13. Alright, i just was trying to help out, don't know why you would want that.
  14. Wow very nice video, everything that I would want to see in a hackng vid. GREAT choice of music too, loved all of it. Keep up with the good work!
  15. You can get rid of the black bars by using "stretch to full screen" instead of "maintain aspect ratio"
  16. Welcome, keep up the good work! Glad this one is a little longer than your usual.
  17. Sounds nice. Auto farm would be nice though. Hopefully it gets added but if not i'm okay with hitting some nodes here and there. Thanks for reviewing.
  18. Nice vid.
  19. Thanks I made it myself, not very good at photo editing but I try. Mostly like making funny things that only certain people understand, such as my profile picture.
  20. General discussions been pretty dry lately, mostly new people trying to get their rep up. How's everyone doing? How's your spring break going (for those that are on break right now) Any new music you guys have found that you feel like sharing? Any games you guys are waiting for to be released?
  21. Kinda hard to load anything when you haven't bought any hacks
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