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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. rust wont vac you.. you are mostlikely HWID banned, u will need to buy a new HDD or a hwid spoofer.... or what ever rust people use...
  2. soon yes
  3. https://blacksector.solutions/topic/1434-fortnite-is-no-longer-for-sale //closed
  4. Merci pour votre critique
  5. Happy Halloween kids
  6. Please use the upvote button instead of commenting thanks or +1 Button is on the bottom right of post. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/guns-of-icarus-online
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  7. its not going to be sold publicly heres a preview: https://blacksector.solutions/topic/1492-video-blacksec-pubg-more-cheating
  8. //closed
  9. https://blacksector.solutions/topic/1409-pubg-invite-trusted-member/ //closed
  10. if there is no client then it should be fine.... we only officially support vac
  11. Please do not comment thanks or +1, INSTEAD use the upvote system on the bottom right of this post. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/sid-meiers-civilization-iii-complete
  12. *cough* told u
  13. yes he was caught cheating like in 2014
  14. Thanks for the review
  15. thanks for the review
  16. Hello @iwanttobedead, Thank you for letting us know about your problem but, If you ever threaten me or my staff ever again I will drop you like those two planes dropped the twin towers on 9/11. If you have paid with bitcoin you need to wait for manual activation, paypal has auto activation if you would like to pay from there instead. Becareful with what you say, mrtrademaster
  17. c&p this link <https://blacksector.solutions/search/?type=core_members&group[22]=1>
  18. Ask a reseller, if they take PSC
  19. Please contact a reseller about psc. #moved
  20. Vac bans occur on account to account bases. If you dont inject to the game, you wont get banned. Our client does not stay loaded after you've exit from csgo. I've been cheating for 2+ years: this is my main There is always a risk in cheating.
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