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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. What invite are u looking for?
  2. 200 euro to start 35 euro per month after
  3. you can buy csgo in our store here: https://blacksector.solutions/store/category/1-counter-strike-global-offensive/ who ever invited that is not an admin, is scamming you.
  4. no, not yet.
  5. Yes, there will be requirements that need to be met. We will announce it once everything is in place.
  6. hes Korean.....
  7. no
  8. you cant right now, you will know when we make an announcement. It will be released soon. //closed
  9. right now pubg is not for sale, you need to wait for announcement
  10. How to act on BlackSector: - Always be friendly and nice to all members on BlackSector - Insulting will lead to a Ban - Always try to help new members and refer to the rules when disrespected - Spamming means Infractions and can lead to a Ban - Before you start a new Thread, use the Search function - Use our Cheats on your own Risk __________________________________________________ Content Rules: - Posting pictures/rl info about others is not allowed no matter if real or false - You are not allowed to advertise any other Cheatproviders, beside BlackSector - Trading with credit cards, paypal-accounts etc is not allowed - Posting links to warez or sites is not allowed - Asking about to get items back is not allowed - Posting Tutorials which harm other People will lead to a Permanent Ban - Posting pornography or racism is not allowed - Threads with Ref-Links to earn Stuff are not allowed - Posting links which contain law violation will lead to a Ban - (Trolling) Knowingly posting false information or trying to anger other members or intentionally cause negative reactions is not allowed - You're not allowed to push other Threads - Pushing threads is only allowed once per day (no pushing on the first day) - Pushing old threads is not allowed - Doubleposting is not allowed on BlackSector - Only push trading threads and threads you made to get Help - Use a normal Thread-Name, describe your problem superficially. Do not name threads in that way 'help me plx' 'help me'! - The Signature should be a small Picture / Text (Not oversized) - Forum avatars or signatures may not contain pornographic or illegal content - Normal users are not allowed to post in second level application threads, Only staff! - Do not beg/ask for invites. __________________________________________________ How do I contact someone? - Don't push the Thread by telling the User your wrote him a PM - You can contact the seller by the ways of contact he included in his thread (or PM them) __________________________________________________ Reputations: - Don't make a post only to thank for someone's help. Use the "+1" - Button instead __________________________________________________ Account rules: - Multi accounting is not allowed on BlackSector - Sharing your account results in a permanent ban. Donators also lose their donator status with their account. - If you share your internet connection with someone else that surfs on BlackSector, give us the Information - In case of a permanent ban, both persons will get banned. You are liable for each other __________________________________________________ Movie making-Section: -Only Upload Programs and Stuff for Movie making that are not marked as "Warez" -Before your release a Download, send a Admin / Mod the Program + a Virus Scan -Use the Right Section for your Videos (CS:S CS:GO MW3 BF3 etc.) -Don't flame anyone for his Movie making Skills, tell him what you would have done in another way -Constructive Criticism __________________________________________________ Shoutbox rules: - Only English/German - Asking for and giving support in the Shoutbox is not recommended - Posting Tutorials which harm other People will lead to a Permanent Ban - Posting content about pornography or racism is not allowed - Posting Links from Uploaded other Cheats is not allowed - Ref-Links to earn Stuff are not allowed - Posting links which contain law violation will lead to a Ban - You're not allowed to push other Threads via SB - Pushing old threads is not allowed via SB - You're not allowed to spam (Steam) Lobby links __________________________________________________ Additional rules: - The BlackSector team has the House-right to ban users for other reasons which are not listed here - If you don't Accept these Rules, you will be Banned __________________________________________________
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  11. Here the chances are less then normal of being detected but as @gucci said:
  12. Use it on account that you can afford losing.
  13. You can't right now, we will make an announcement when it comes out.
  14. Thank you! The sig is just funny thing
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/233130/Shadow_Warrior/ Free permanent copy of Shadow Warrior! Available until August 23rd 10AM Pacific. Free permanent copy of Shadow Warrior! Available until August 23rd 10AM Pacific.
  16. mrtrademaster


    our pubg cheat is not released yet, please wait for an announcement
  17. These are all fake, only detection so far is hooktronic free. If you look at vac-ban it also looks normal, and also checking other forums no one has mention anything about vac bans. If anything new comes I'll re-open this post, but for now it is... //closed
  18. are u asking why u dont get banned from youtube or banned from csgo. 1. youtube doesnt care if you cheat. 2. Because people rarely care/give a shit about people cheating in videos, they just keyboard warrior it out in the comments. No one goes and reports them when the videos is out, since its a waste of time and money.
  19. im sorry but we are currently not selling. We will make an announcement once it is available
  20. finn has a csgo config u should try
  21. Our shoutbox is not really for support/help. If you do have any questions you would like a staff member to answer, you can always make a post here and one of the staff members will respond as soon as we can. Even better you can always join our discord and ask questions in our #help section. We are aware of this issue and will apply a fix once everything is in order. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and will take your suggestions into consideration to better prepare ourselves for future complication. Have a dank day, mrtrademaster
  22. hm... speaking of this, we should really add a "introduction" post/tab thingy...
  23. House Party
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