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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. Thanks for the review.
  2. no.
  3. this is no longer relevant and has outdated info. Check here for more info, //closed
  4. you cant at the moment
  5. No, our csgo cheat has never detected. Please read our ToS https://blacksector.solutions/terms-of-service/
  6. its not for sale right now.
  7. its not for sale right now.
  8. I mean, A) u actually need people who know how to code to make the cheat. B) They need to be trustworthy C) They need to know what there doing. D) ... And hiring more people wont help either, since this is you need to know each others coding styles and other elements mentioned above.
  9. if u guys like this video here is another one https://blacksector.solutions/topic/1510-video-blacksector-pubg-cheating-3-w-blue-blood/
  10. 69 It really depends on the the coder and injection method, there is probably a 90% chance it will get detected in the near future or future. For pubg there it is a higher chance of getting banned than csgo. like much higher chance.
  11. son
  12. son
  13. Please use like button instead of +1 or thanks in comments https://www.humblebundle.com/store/sanctum-2
  14. we have been undetected since release.
  15. Please use the like button instead of commenting +1 or thanks https://www.humblebundle.com/store/brutal-legend
  16. #moved //closed
  17. #fixed //closed
  18. did u accidentally click "delete" instead of insert bc delete is the panic key.
  19. if u have a laptop u need to click "num lk" first.
  20. yes
  21. To be announced
  22. #moved //closed
  23. pubg is not for sale, any other user that is trying to sell you anything is not legit and is trying to scam you.
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