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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. Requierments: Have a pubg account on steam Sign in with it ??? Profit https://mapbeta.playbattlegrounds.com The first testing period will begin today at 7PM PDT.
  2. We dont officially support SMAC but SMAC is shit, just dont bhop on SMAC enabled community servers and you will be fine. We dont officially support faceit server side, but it can be used with certain settings.
  3. Nice Blur job
  4. Please use the 'like' button instead of commenting on the post https://www.humblebundle.com/store/spec-ops-the-line
      • 1
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  5. Time stamps are in the description of the video.
  6. you need to have subscription.
  7. Thank you for all of your suggestions! Here is a quick video testing out my render settings, tell me if it needs improving on or fixing. Thanks again! //closed
  8. To get da puuuuuuusssy
  9. thanks for the review
  10. Hey guys! This is just a quick little video testing out my rendering settings, tell me what you think! More videos will be coming out soon!
  11. Please use the 'like' button instead of commenting https://www.humblebundle.com/store/the-darkness-ii
  12. 2.80GHz quad-core Intel Core i7-7700HQ 4GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 CPU 12 GB DDR4 memory RAM 3 TB of porn V-Nand SSD 850 EVO M.2 250GB
  13. Thanks for the review.
  14. Thank for the review.
  15. Why buy windows when u can get it for free... People are selling keys that you can already get for free anyways.
  16. Because they are shit coders.
  17. A pirated version of windows should work fine with our cheat. If Microsoft is watching we (blacksector) do not condone the use of crack, pirated or hacked versions/copies of windows or any product related to Microsoft.
  18. Please use the "like" button instead of saying thanks in comments. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/f1-2015
  19. That is partly true in a sense, since valve is a 2.5 billion dollar company they could fuck up the cheating community real quick if they wanted too. But I think it could break some privacy laws since valve is based in the USA. That is why valve is looking at deep learning to combat cheaters http://schedule.gdconf.com/session/robocalypse-now-using-deep-learning-to-combat-cheating-in-counter-strike-global-offensive/855023
  20. Because CSGO's anti cheat (VAC) is easier to bypass than rust's EAC (Easy-Anti-Cheat) or PUBG's BE (Battle-Eye)
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