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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. no, i get this to sometimes.
  2. Congrats, can I get an invite to the wedding?
  3. #moved Nice review
  4. Features I wish to have in PUBG: Teleport (yourself and other players) Fakelag God mode/Health hack Ammo hack Fly Speed hack Bullet teleportation
  5. Ok, i understand now. Thank you. We will look into fixing the white like button
  6. I do not understand can you type out what you need in your own language
  7. we only have one "running" here I think its invite only right now.
  8. VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) Ban: A VAC ban will be obvious for 2 reasons: if your account receives it, a message on your Steam profile will instantly show up saying: "VAC Ban on record" and when trying to play on secure servers you will see a yellow bar that says: "VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat); This Steam account has been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction." So, what does this mean? It means that VAC scanned your computer's memory and found a hack running, meaning the hack you used was [Detected]. This is the ONLY type of ban that means the hack you used on your account is actually [Detected] and it MUST say exactly as above. There is no way to avoid this type of ban except for not hacking by any means. Permanently Untrusted Ban: This is probably the most misunderstood type of ban and most often correlated with a VAC ban. A Permanently Untrusted ban will initially require you to log-in on your CS:GO account for it to be noticed. It is NOT a normal VAC ban and normally takes up to 12+hours to show up on your profile as a VAC ban. It isn't a 'true' VAC ban though, however. I will explain further below. For now, just stay knowing that in case your account gets Permanently Untrusted, you will see a red bar in-game that saying: "Global Cooldown; This account is permanently Untrusted". Overwatch Ban: In case your account gets Overwatch banned, a red bar will show up saying the following: "Global Cooldown; Convicted by Overwatch - Majorly Disruptive" What does this mean? It means you were reported too many times by other players in Comp play and after reviewing your replays, you were deemed to be hacking on your account. This is often known as 'Obvious' where you do not try to hide the fact you are hacking. This can be avoided through a variety of methods to make it look less like you are hacking. Don't 'trace' people (aim at them through walls), follow people (keep them on your screen through walls while moving, most often done by noob players and easily noticeable by the player placing their crosshair in strange positions while moving to follow people through walls), use slow aims, use trigger delays, don't ever 1v5 clutch, never shoot through smoke or walls (even when legit), etc... Here is a summary of all the information found above: VAC Ban - It scanned your computer's memory and found a [Detected] hack running on your computer. The hack you used is indeed [Detected]. Permanently Untrusted Ban - Scanned actions from aim hack/triggerbot/recoil. The hack you used is NOT [Detected]. Overwatch Ban - Anti-Cheating Valve Investigators watched you playing and deemed you to be hacking on your account. The hack you used is NOT [Detected]. This post is 100% stolen, the original post was made by Fang420x.
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  9. 2012-2013 started playing games, 2014-2015 started hacking
  10. Aimbot 18/20: Very customization and really smooth. I like that the weapon config is just one config, instead of 30 different configs. Sexy slider, I also very much enjoy the Swap Target feature as it is really helpful in spray downs But would like to add some other features like: Standalone RCS Recoil visual remover auto wall hitmarker ESP 9/10 Well made, can be very customization A few more suggestions: No sky No hands Viewmodel FOV Game FOV Glow Skinchanger 10/10: The weapons can be changed to any skin. And the seed id is nice aswell MISC 9/10: The misc tab, I feel, is missing a few features like: Auto strafe Maybe Namestealer ClanTag changer Chat spam Airstuck? Overall: 69/71
  11. Insurance money pay for new car?
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