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Everything posted by distort

  1. Yeh but that guy probably didn't get banned and then exactly 12 months later he tried playing. He probably got banned and every couple months tried to play, thus extending the timer. EAC can't hold information forever, but if you try to play then they have a reason to continue to hold onto that info. I got hwid banned in Jan, and I've since packed up my computer to do Y12 won't be playing again until around December so I will find out if waiting works soon
  2. I'm 99 percent sure EAC removes HWID bans after a specific amount of time I think 6 to 12 months if you don't play rust, they will remove your information from the system and you can play rust.
  3. The PUBG hack is private meaning that you need an invitation to use it.
  4. Like any accounts that you logged into on your old computer, don't log onto them on your new computer, it's not only if it's connected to steam just don't login to them on your computer as a whole just to be safe
  5. Yeh new computer and you should be all good to play. Just a word of warning to not sign into any steam accounts which were on your old computer, and FYI my mate was once hwid banned so he bought a new computer, and he signed into his Gmail account on his new computer and EAC logged that and hwid banned his new computer, so I would suggest to make new accounts on your new computer (don't sign into FB if it was on your old computer, any bank accounts, any Gmail accounts) because EAC logs this shit if it's a true hwid ban and they will flag your new computer
  6. There's little chance that would actually work why would they remove cheaters hwid bans, but as you said it's worth a shot you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take
  7. You aren't alone brother, my main got banned 3k hours and like $70 worth of skins, I miss playing rust feelsbad
  8. Buying a new computer would probs just be the simplest solution if you are looking to play legit again, with a hwid spoofer if EAC releases an update or something which fucks the hwid spoofer up, your account is gone.
  9. Currently 8.20pm in Perth I'm just chilling out and studying thinking about getting a juicy invite to the best cheat out there😀. What are all you guys doing? http://imgur.com/gallery/TXFlwX4
  10. BSS > all. No doubt the best out there nice review
  11. You basically need to just wait for invites to open I can't wait for them to open again, the cheat is insane @how02 is a god coder
  12. Nice review looks awesome
  13. FYI you can actually buy vpn subscriptions for dirt cheap on plati.ru
  14. Could be delayed ban so EAC can collect data and shit who knows, but 86 hours is a very long time.
  15. Rust Glory
  16. Yeh I heard they are working with companies who make mice to set up handprint sensors on top of the mouse, and EAC logs it in their system and as soon as the hand matches you are gone
  17. Hyped for rust and applications to open 😀
  18. Not a bad idea. Another cheat provider does this (not going to mention here) but it's expensive ASF (Im talking $100USD for a week) because it's public and therefore gets detected every like 3 days so the Devs need to constantly find workarounds for EAC.
  19. This is desperation right here
  20. you can't buy it, it's a private cheat
  21. This might see a review of hwid banning policy in that they may no longer hold your information for longer than the 3 months they are supposed to hold it for, since epic games are a much bigger company and under closer watch by the public.
  22. It was the force wipe of May, on the server Australia 1. I initially started playing solo, when a couple of friends messaged me to play, so of course I bagged them in. It was within hours of playing when we noticed that some strange things were happening around us, heli's taken down within seconds, complaints in chat about the korean hackers; yet we had neither seen nor heard from our soon to be antagonists. That is until we grouped outside for a roam and suddenly, all three of use were triple headshot. I was angry of course, so I took to twitter, tweeting to the developers about 'Hell KOREA.' By this point, our group had reached their breaking point, as we couldn't simply farm without getting aimbotted, so they all got off and began to play PUBG. But not me, I was determined to overcome this hacker. So I took an hours break and came back, it was nighttime when I set out on an ak roam, when suddenly mid roam; two arrows flew out of nowhere and dinked me. I was confused but I turned around and sprayed the perpetrator down. Long behold, it was Hell KOREA. He began to plead in chat to pick him up because he was a cheater, as I said I had reached my witts end at this point. So I picked him up, and dropped my AK to him, and suprisingly he was loyal to me. We roamed together for a while and ended up eventually adding each other on discord. I let him into my base, and all was well. It must have felt foreign to him being in an English speaking group and only speaking korean, but i guess with blacksector solutions you don't exactly need crystal clear communications. We ended up being good friends, when his account got banned I spent money and bought him a new one, and he returned the favour by screensharing his view of blacksector solutions to let us know where players were. Just thought I would share my story of how I stumbled across your community and made a korean friend in the process. Here's a video I made of Hell KOREA in action.
  23. Im looking into buying rust cheats however I am scared that I will get hwid banned in no time and not be able to properly use the cheat. I have a few questions. 1. How many accounts need to get banned until you get hwid banned? 2. What should I do initially to prevent hwid bans? 3. Will I get banned if i 'legit cheat' i.e. only use esp 4. Overall is it worth it to cheat on rust because it is very expensive and I want to ensure that the money I am paying will be worth it
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