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Everything posted by Fredrik

  1. What the...
  2. Fredrik


    Added you, but you haven't accepted
  3. Woah, 50 is a whole lot. *cough cough* norwegian *cough* oil money. And now to the speech, trumpets please. The reason why I deserve to win the prize is because I don't play any of the games in the current public store, and would therefore have to donate the prize to the developers - more preferably to the one of them, that has the reddest pupils from working on privated cheats and answering the same questions over and over again, possibly @how02. Also, because it would make me look like a good boy : ) Cheers.
  4. Wasn't really a redesign either, in respect of @floW (the designer), I just feel like the logo is a bit oddly placed in the header; spacing is really cramped etc.
  5. Quick question, are the rust subscribers required to be able to change their IPs in order to evade previous bans besides from running the spoofer? Because I'm pretty sure that EAC are blacklisting IPs alongside hwid, mac, hdd serials and the operating system. I could be wrong, though.
  6. One does not simply make cheats for league, only a few fiddly scripts are around these days - sure would be fun to have an esp though ^^
  7. There have got to be some sort of antivirus that is blocking it - try and go through your list of programs in the control panel and make sure to uninstall any sort of antivirus. If none of the above seems to work, your best bet would be to reformat your system = guaranteed result.
  8. I could imagine that most of the rust subscribers have gotten referred by others, a registration date doesn't really compete with that.
  9. I apologize for bumping this old thread, but how02 mentioned this reseller (Risky) in a different thread. Also, I don't think there is any gateway from having bought from risky's selly shop, to getting an invitation to the rust subscription.
  10. +1 - The video lasted for about as long as I ever have without getting banned from all the "privated" loaders that I have been able to throw my money at ^^ neverlucky ._.
  11. Cloud computers run multiple systems on each one of their units, but as long as they allow you to access the desktop etc., the virtual machine will be completely exclusive to you; no problem in saving and running whatever software that you'd like.
  12. Oops! We can’t find that page.
  13. Ahah, was my only experience with the game when it just launched and we had a functioning loader for a couple of weeks - it was pretty odd to then hear about the game from left and right after having uninstalled and forgotten about it.
  14. Doesn't really compete with the scale of competing in tournaments, but it can feel pretty good to know which walls to blow through in rust when doing tactical solo raids on some of the big and infamous clans (we're talking 20-30 people) whenever they go to sleep in a pile of endgame loot - also, haunting big groups from where they live to their every step can also be a lot of fun.
  15. EAC tends to go a long way to trace cheaters down, so in order to avoid the ban you've gotten, you'd be best assured by reformatting and making a change of your mac address, hdd serials, ip address and hwid - most of which can be spoofed with the help of google, but I'm pretty sure that it would be well given out to make Blacksector take care of your hwid with the spoofer subscription.
  16. Given the amount of demand that apex has, it is very possible that it will be developed, but I'm not sure how long the game's hype is going to last for tbh.
  17. Sup y'all. I've been a graphic design intern in Norway and South Korea for the last couple of years and found myself sketching on a logo for our forum, so I thought I might share it with someone My choice of font is Akzidenz Grotesk, a big and bold staple in modern typography these years - like the forum in the scene of loaders. However, it is very apparent that the developers must have a good eye for aesthetics, given how clean and intuitive our UI is ingame, big + for that Clean version 1 Clean version 2 Code version 1 Code version 2 Cheers.
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