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Everything posted by Fredrik

  1. Who are all of these "people"? It sounds like quite the niche market and the full loader price is already cheap as is : )
  2. questionmarkquestionmarkquestionmark - why would you even do that in the first place?
  3. And the spoofer covers that. Don't worry.
  4. The hwid spoofer works for every game in the world that tracks hwid, mac address etc. - this includes fortnite.
  5. Fredrik

    Rust Rage Hacking

    And rip rust account - for wasting the time on a battlefield server instead of haunting people in the real game ^^
  6. * Reposted because of a miniscule weakpoint I found, that is now fixed I'm quite the wanker when it comes to rust bases and have been experimenting since the game came out - However, I really hate the cramped bases that people showcase on youtube. Instead, I bring you this golden ratio of a small base that houses as much as humanly possible, while still holding the luxury of not having to crouch and jump to do anything inside. - All loot is secured behind two walls and the base is too small and discreet to catch the attention of anyone who would ever be capable of raiding it. Foundation Point of safety, this will cost 1k wood and 6.5k stone to build Miscellaneous room - 5 furnaces, tool cupboard, workbench, research table and a small box to stand on. Lootrooms. These will apear like basic 1 layered walls from the outside, but will house 4 additional chests and will take 2 walls to breach. Everything can easily be accessed with normal doorways as well as with double doors, but raiders have no way of knowing where the loot is. All locked and loaded. It is too heavy for small units to break through and too small for big groups to care about. Cheers.
  7. I wonder how r*sky and h*tter are going to pay their parents for rent when they run out chinese keys to resell
  8. Fredrik


    Nice stats btw 3 weeks later realpeoplebtw : )
  9. It makes a lot of sense in theory, only problem being that most of the people who are asking these questions have just registered and don’t care to read anything before asking - but a status tab at the top would probably catch a lot more attention than a thread in our forum. Not sure if the staff have left the information out on purpose though, but it would be neat to have it showcased for newcomers : )
  10. I just chose to blur out the domains to avoid giving them more buyers than what they already have, a lot of people are really desperate for rust loaders
  11. I keep on hearing about more and more of these sketchy do-it-yourself sites that claim to be distributing their own rust loader. Meanwhile, it is blatantly obvious that they're all trying to resell a weird version of our loader that takes serials instead of account credentials - with a hefty markup in the price, of course. Examples: I also talked to someone who was spreading the word about it for referral discounts, who sent me this picture of the loader that they're distributing. So what the hell is going on with these? Are they reselling licenses that are made to be sold to the chinese or why can all of these people hand out (what seems to be) our software? I'm hoping that we can get some clearance on this matter, but I strongly advice against trusting any of these sites, as @how02 have already disregarded one of them to be a legitimate reseller: Cheers.
  12. I see, but this is sort of a stretch of one's imagination
  13. Ahh okay, makes sense : )
  14. Here to save the day : )
  15. Fredrik

    Rust Rage Hacking

    Volume 5%
  16. This. EAC must have figured out that all legitimate rust players will have a k/d ratio somewhere below 0.5 and a 1 digit hit percentage, so this is a just a whole other level of smart
  17. Ahh okay, but there are still people in our telegram server claiming to have used it for weeks without any bans
  18. Woah, that's crazy how long some people can play while others claim to get banned in 30 seconds ^^ - Got a discord that I can add? If you don't mind : )
  19. Fredrik

    PUBG Feedback

    It's hard to say, given that there are no guarantees, but I believe blacksector is a pretty good bet in regards to detection rates. Just remember not to cheat on an account that you can't afford to lose; get an alternate instead of playing on your main.
  20. I don't believe that forum rep matters too much to the developers, it's all a matter of timing and knowing the right people; he probably got referred by another subscriber or knew someone higher up.
  21. Gotcha. Do you use one that you can recommend?
  22. too many iqs
  23. Ahh okay, makes sense - meanwhile at the csgo legal department ^^:
  24. Fortnite loaders are about as rare as rust ones, so the game's developers must have done a fair amount of preventive work - but I'm not sure if fortnite is technically hard or if cheat providers just get taken down. Besides, blacksector have previously offered a fortnite loader way back when the game released, so I could imagine that there's a reason why the developers stopped working on it.
  25. @Kridra Note: I had to cut that out myself for immersive purposes
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