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Everything posted by ZoomV1

  1. I've actually played a lot of legit vanilla Rust and have always had hacking on Rust in the back of my mind but it wasn't until now that i decided to actually pursue getting good (the best) Rust hacks. The main reason I want Rust hacks is to have a slight advantage. Mostly legit hacking and not rage hacking. Using it to find out where certain people live/what they have and the layout of their base.
  2. Kodak,NBA YoungBoy, Gucci Mane and many more.
  3. I think PUBG has a 100 euro start up fee because getting major kills in a match=more coins=more crates=money from selling things on the market. Since PUBG is a game where you can make money for winning they might charge you for that...Only my guess and thoughts though.
  4. Probably a highlights vid, I don't watch much legit PUBG but watching hacked PUBG wouldn't be that bad.
  5. Welcome to the BSS community. Hope to see you around I play mainly Rust ONLY...it's a hard lifestyle out here. You seem like a nice guy and person to play with but I don't usually play with EU just because time differences and ping on non US servers. GL on your CS grind too!
  6. Sweet. Thanks!
  7. Any startup fees?
  8. Thanks. What about the Rust hack if you don’t mind me asking?
  9. Anyone with PUBG BS hacks know what the monthly cost is? Dont care if you answer in euros or USD Thanks.
  10. Nice vid. Like the music choice, and god damn that aimbot is so good, same with speed hack. Cant wait to get my hands on BS hacks
  11. ZoomV1

    Best Rust Cheat

    Easily one of the best out there. With the incredible UI and easy setup along with results there isn't much that can compare.
  12. Welcome back dude! Black sector definitely seems like the best out there.
  13. i do not concede to this
  14. How long do you think you can go without getting banned if you play "legit" with the Rust hack? Would EAC get to you even if you don't get reported? If so how long? "Legit" meaning not playing obvious and toggling every once and awhile
  15. Nice vid. Good music choice too!
  16. ZoomV1

    More PUBG frags

    Nice vid! Like the editing.
  17. All these people getting a gram for $10 i feel bad for them
  18. Welcome! I'm pretty new here too. Hope to see you around more.
  19. ????20k glad to be apart of this community
  20. Hello everyone! Thanks for welcoming me
  21. 20 for 1/8, 60 for 1/2 O (Talking about tree)
  22. Seems like one Legend in the making Thanks, nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you too
  23. Love your vids. Only thing i would suggest is maybe making them longer they're too good not to be enjoying more
  24. Nice videos dude. Nice job on the first one showing off most of the options with the aimbot. One of the best rust hacks i've seen.
  25. ZoomV1

    amazing Rust hack

    Can't wait for this to be released again. Hoping to get ahold of it, looks really nice. Clean UI and easy to use.
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