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Everything posted by Nefertina91

  1. I'm from Sweden
  2. Welcome to BSS! I do aswell play Rust! Been active in the Rust community over the past 3-4 years, I've a lil' over 3,5k legitimate hours.
  3. Probably not lmao
  4. Welcome to BlackSector community!
  5. Yeah same with the CSGO part lmao
  6. Then I'm not as sure, I have tried a couple though such as Subnautica etc, But I could recommend you Rust.
  7. Welcome! What kind of games do you like? FPS? Strategy? etc.. Aside of BlackSector cheat related games I could recommend Sea of Thieves once it has been released (20th of March), I was apart in the Beta/Alpha and I really enjoyed that.
  8. I'd say Rust. Ofcourse, I have access to CSGO and Rust currently. I'm 18 years old.
  9. I've no clue. I'm from Sweden.
  10. Nothing's too much
  11. Welcome to Blacksector!
  12. I got extremely bored and had some epic fun with some mates on a Sandbox server and this epic thought of using the ''Christmas Lights'' Here are a few examples; Some pictures that I took, might be bright as f*ck (Actually used a total of 6437 Christmas lights for those who wonder )
  13. It was terrifying, Almost crashlanded. (Haven't been to Australia though, would love to visit )
  14. Sure, check your PM <
  15. 1. No, I have not, Unfortunately 2. Yes, indeed, Not surprised?
  16. Hahah, Tbh with you I barely do that to not release enough testosterone from my body to keep it producing on a scale enough for me to build me enough muscle
  17. Well, as the title says, ask me anything, whatever you'd like whether it's about gaming, real life, etc. Ask. (Bored af waiting for some applications to open)
  18. Thanks for the review! I'll for sure buy it once it becomes available.
  19. Good shit there !
  20. lmao epic
  21. That's actually dope!
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