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Everything posted by zoK

  1. Very good edits and the video is soo good. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Where is the page for buy it? I'm trying find it for long time.
  3. zoK

    PUBG Review

    Great review!
  4. ¡Good video!
  5. Legit hacking is without any wall hack haha! Great video!
  6. zoK

    Legit Hacking #4 - CSGO

    Yeah i know, but another problem that i can't talk in english i am from argentina and my english is bad
  7. zoK

    Legit Hacking #4 - CSGO

    I know but the problem is my my mic , because my keyboard is mecanical and make too much noise.
  8. zoK

    Legit Hacking #4 - CSGO

    Delete video at least 8/7 minutes, leave things to last more than 5 minutes haha And the ui why I like it haha
  9. I make another video, i am new with editing and making videos, your like and suscribe will help me. zoK
  10. I make another video, i am new with editing and making videos, your like and suscribe will help me. zoK
  11. I make another video, i am new with editing and making videos, your like and suscribe will help me. zoK
  12. Excelent video! Thanks for share blacksector! zoK
  13. Great Review! Thank you for the review!
  14. zoK

    Legit Hacking - CSGO

    I make a video, i am new with editing and making videos, your like and suscribe will help me.
  15. This weekend i will buy the pubg, and i will add you.
  16. Excelent review! zoK
  17. Will back when it's undetected and safe to use, you just need to wait.
  18. Thank You For the review!
  19. zoK

    CSGO - Review

    Legit-Bot So the legit but is pretty good u can go from completly unnoticable to blatant with it and u can configure alot. Depending on how much time u spend u can create a config for u that is perfect and can get u to global no doubt. The Pros: very precisely configurable works once u get used to it many diffrent options (smokecheck, hotboxes, target switch delay etc) very strong while still pretty overwatch safe configurable for each weapon type Rage-Bot It has no options rage Visuals The Visuals are pretty decent The Pros: Sound ESP something i havent seen before but is fucking amazing is the sound esp it just works! many options to toggle change and customize Misc Not much to say here tbh The Cons: The skinchanger is very nice but i wish there was a random skin button since i am sometimes to lazy to select every single gun individually the knifes (mostly talon and butterfly) sometimes have weird bugs where when u inspect it attacks or completly glitches out and zooms into ur face or something The Pros: it just works! many options but mostly the standard stuff And thats about it nice and short review and honest opinion about the cheat.
  20. zoK

    Rust cheating video

    Excelent video, i hope to get the hack one day!
  21. Thank you for the review!
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