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Everything posted by avverb

  1. I work as a web developer for a online web store. https://www.danskhusoghaveservice.dk/
  2. Thank you everyone.
  3. Hello Blacksector. I finally decided to make a review about the rust cheat. I've now been using it for a long time and I can therefore say I know how to use every piece of the cheat correctly. So lets start with the basics. Aimbot [10/10] - It got both prediction and smoothness. how02 also recently added a "Keep Target" feature for the aimbot, works well seen as it's in beta. You can even set diffrent aimbot settings for each gun. You can really make your gameplay look legit with the features blacksector has to offer. ESP [8/10] - You can customize the ESP however you like. Such as colors, distance, name, box, etc. He recently added ESP for the new NPC's at the military tunnels after it was requested by the community. Great to see that he takes feedback from the community. Reason why its not getting 10/10 is because the ESP can get pretty messy if there is a lot of stuff being rendered. Of cause you can just turn down the distance or turn off some settings but for me I would like to see a lot of information about my target or where I'm going. Misc [10/10] - There is not much to say other than it's perfect. I haven't noticed anything wired with the misc features such as No spread, No recoil, No sway, Always Daytime, Fast Melee, No fall damage or the debug cam. You can bind most of the stuff in the cheat such as the debug cam. Location Marker [10/10] - Perfect. It allows you to set a marker where you are at and it will show up on your ESP. how02 just recently added a checkbox to the markers so you can turn them on and off if you wanna swap servers or anything like that. (Or again if its getting to messy). Color Manager [6/10] - It does what its supposed to but I wish we could change the color of everything. Friend List [6.5/10] - It's simple and it's based on the ingame names. I wish it would be based on steamID and not names since right now it requires us to add them over and over again after they change name. But pretty neat that it changes the ESP color to a different color that you can set in the color manager. Aimbot doesn't lock to friends either. Alright well that was my review regarding the rust hack. I've had access to it for a while and I can say for sure it's the best rust cheat I've ever used in my life. how02 you did a fantastic job on this one mate.
  4. I play with @lordchicken and @Wolf on Rusty Moose. We are all using blacksector and going full legit. We hope to last at least 2 wipes before we get hit by a manual ban by one of the admins. So far the closest we have been to getting banned is for being racist
  5. avverb

    Random Rust Shit

    What's your problem? It's clearly just a video showing off funny moments mainly.
  6. It for sure is.
  7. avverb

    PUBG Sniper FRAGS 2

    Nice taps fam
  8. I'm glad to have a UID below 10k
  9. I get weed for 10$ per gram
  10. Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay, pretty sure you will. The staff team here are great. They ain't aids like on other communities (can't mention the name of the other communities). I know that master trader and how02 are both very interactive with the community and the cheats are frequently updated, at least speaking for thr rust cheat and pubg cheat. Wes I got a bit off track there, well I hope you enjoy your stay
  11. avverb


    Potato as in a shitty pc you mean?
  12. avverb


    Not sure what it is since ive never used mac but yea
  13. avverb


    That's a rip i suppose
  14. avverb

    Rust cheat

    @Alter The cheat is invite only.
  15. Looks great man.
  16. Ah lit, I got the Rust cheat as well, I tried their csgo cheat for a while but I gave up on legit cheating.
  17. What cheat do you use?(Csgo, rust, pubg etc)
  18. Looks like max to me
  19. Holy fuck my eyes
  20. Then its not a HWID ban buddy.
  21. Nice, I might make a video soon as well
  22. They do indeed break their own Terms of Service but they don't care. So yea it's basically illegal.
  23. avverb

    Rust Helicopter

    Casually just bugging, NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!! KEEP WALKING!!
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