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Everything posted by Jeffoncrack

  1. I have it working, along with steam authenticator.
  2. Or could just download Bluestacks, :L
  3. From UK, Portsmouth. Welcome to BS
  4. LMFAO confuse the enemies a bit if it were in an actual server
  5. Well shit LOL, Never seen someone do that before with double shotgun
  6. Once the applications are open il be sure to apply, ive been waiting Nice review bud.
  7. New account is the only way to bypass a server ban because they ban the account and not sure if they IP ban you. Best way new account for sure.
  8. LOL nice vid, those two guys kept coming back.
  9. LOL what is that guy doing in the tower throwing rocks all about hahaha. Nice vid man enjoy them all. keep it up!
  10. Ive overclocked before and these are my results, im interested in what other people do CPU: I5 6600k - 4.7GZ Voltage - 1345 Standard Fan Cooling GPU - GTX 1080 - Not overclocked as i dont need to. If anyone wants any advice on overclocking CPU's PM me i find it very easy and know what i'm doing.
  11. Played CS:GO for about 4 years now and ive cheated from day 1 been banned twice, haven't been banned for the last 2 years though and managed to get global elite and rank 9 on faceit for about 3 months but in the end managed to get banned from faceit manually i believe . Interesting to see other peoples comments tbh,
  12. Nice!, i really can't wait to use BlackSector, Bring it on!
  13. Really nice vid, I would love to see more people use the bolt action rifle montage or something that would be epic. Good job bro
  14. Probably overwatch banned you ^^ Most players are getting overwatch banned now and the VAC is easy to bypass so i doubt it would be that.
  15. Nice vid, Litteraly just waiting for it to become avaliable again so enjoying these vids while waiting.
  16. Jeffoncrack

    Rust cheat

    Nice review, definatly wanted to see how the cheat looked and in working order. Now just need to get access would love that!
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