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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. admin will manually confirm it.
  2. currently we are not selling pubg hack please wait for an announcement for release
  3. https://blacksector.solutions/store/category/5-fortnite/
  4. No it does not auto renew.
  5. *cough* just link ur config topic
  6. To be able to cheat without any visuals showing, you have to record the game and not the screen. Remember to turn off chams for CS:GO. (This should also work with xSplit they just have a different setting) This: *Make sure "Capture third-party overlays" is unchecked.* Or *Make sure "Capture third-party overlays" is unchecked.* Not this:
  7. added //closed
  8. Please up upvote system...
  9. Use the upvote button
  10. Nice review
  11. revolvo op op
  12. We will make an announcement once it is available.
  13. yes no ban when released to people
  14. looks good maybe louder ingame sound so u can here to 'boom'
  15. should link ur black sec ref code m8 https://blacksector.solutions/clients/referrals/
  16. https://blacksector.solutions/topic/1111-forum-rules/ https://blacksector.solutions/store/
  17. 200 to start, 35 euro per month after
  18. a game
  19. please use the like button on the side
  20. http://store.steampowered.com/app/38400/Fallout_A_Post_Nuclear_Role_Playing_Game/
  21. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085482037/ try again.
  22. Blacksector is not responsible for any damages this can cause to you and your computer. Please use/follow this at your own risk.
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