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Everything posted by how02

  1. Applications for PUBG have been disabled temporarily.
  2. how02

    Rust Review

    @Warm in the Misc window, you can bind a key to toggle the free camera
  3. The security against EAC still needs to be improved in some area. But right now the priority is PUBG.
  4. I suggest you to go to your game directory, in the BattlEye folder, run Install_BattlEye.bat If it doesn't change anything, contact battleye directly for assistance.
  5. It's possible your antivirus is blocking BattlEye, try turning it off.
  6. how02


    They simply aren't extended any longer.
  7. It will be like before, applications will be open but we won't accept everyone.
  8. how02

    Rust review

    Just FYI, there is a bind for the Free Camera in the Bind Manager
  9. You cannot use it on faceit. As for zengaming, it depends on what anticheat they are using, if it's only a server-side plugin then it will be fine.
  10. Hello everyone, The long awaited PUBG cheat is now available for purchase. You will need to submit an application to be able to purchase it from the store. Please note that not everyone will be accepted.
  11. Looks like you already upgraded to CSGO Full. I've cancelled your CSGO Aimbot subscription and added 15 days to your CSGO Full subscription instead.
  12. No, it has been discontinued.
  13. Hey, it appears to be a russian anticheat. Is it only a plugin on the server or do you also need to run a software ?
  14. Hey, unfortunately the Rust cheat is detected by EAC and is no longer for sale.
  15. It is still being worked on, no ETA.
  16. EAC will log the serial number of every hard drive plugged to your computer. You have to buy a new one and remove the 2 you already have.
  17. Purchase a new hard drive and get a new mac address, it is enough to escape EAC HWID bans.
  18. No it doesn't have this feature at the moment.
  19. When did you pay and was it with Bitcoin or Paypal ?
  20. It should be undetected then.
  21. What anticheat are they using ?
  22. Hello everyone, As most of you have already heard, Epic Games has now implemented BattlEye in their latest update. Some of you have also read about one of our competitor being sued by Epic Games, so they had to shut down their Paragon and Fortnite cheat to prevent being sued. (You can read it here) Due to those 2 reasons, I have taken the decision to stop selling the Fortnite cheat. The cheat will still be available and updated for our current customers, effectively bypassing BattlEye, but subscriptions aren't going to be extended or renewed. (All subscriptions have ended, and none exist anymore. We do not offer a Fortnite cheat anymore)
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