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Everything posted by Denied

  1. I can't really help you as to me, what your describing as your issue doesn't make much sense to me.
  2. Your computer is most likely to be hardware banned, as well as your IP maybe ban-listed as well. Have you been using an HWID spoofer? A VPN as well? What do you mean by "change other cheating".
  3. I think there may already be a re-seller out of the china, best to pm an Admin to inquire about that. 我认为可能已经有一个转售商离开了中国,最好是请一位管理员来询问有关情况
  4. If you are banned on one account, and use the cheat on another account. You are most likely to be banned unless you are using some ID/VPN changing software. Regardless you open another account and not cheat. You still will be banned as your computer has been in better terms [flagged]. If you ever don't know if a cheat is safe to use, then don't use it. There is a section where you can view if the programs are "detected". https://blacksector.solutions/cheats-status/ Try checking here before launching any "BlackSector Games".
  5. As of right now, I don't think so, but refer to this.
  6. Detection depends a lot on the cheat and the developers of the cheat yes. But when being banned it is not right to automatically throw the website and or admins and staff under the bus because something happened and the cheat was detected. A lot of times being banned, its most likely due to the fact you had the loader somewhere unsafe, or were maybe going a little to hard with the program. Always make sure you have your loaders on a fat32 formatted USB stick for the most under the radar. As well as a lot of game developers don't waste resources in banned solo players. Most likely what they do a lot of the times is that, they put accounts up for flags. (Multiple ban reports, or malicious software on your PC). Black Sector is one of the best websites i have EVER used. I used their Rust program for almost 3 months without getting banned. I say that's a win in my book. Using cheats, i'd say no matter what site you are never guaranteed to not be banned. So if anyone is ever banned, they shouldn't be upset, because that's what comes in using these programs. Its literally listed in bold before you purchase
  7. For those who are currently having issues purchasing products from the site, despite what game it may be. If you have purchased it before, there should be invoices created for you. If you look at the top right and hover over store, and go to manage purchases. You can manage all of your invoices there for every game purchased and may even be able to repay and renew an invoice. SO before complaining or going crazy on the forums please check there first. As well as if you need some assistance I have been on this site for a long time now, and i'd be more than happy to help with whatever info i can. (Anyone who speaks a different language may message me too and ill do the best to fulfill the questions to the best of my ability)
  8. Denied


    That was probably one of the most worth fiver payments, ever.
  9. Any update? are you able to play?
  10. This is more of a testimonial. I can say out of all the hacks I have ever used. Black Sector Solutions goes above and beyond in every category How02 and the staff on here are some of the most helpful and supportive people I have every met. The amount of times I have seen them to go out of their way to help an individual is remarkable. This website provides some of the best undetected cheats I have ever seen hit the market, and I don't doubt that this community is growing bigger than ever. CSGO - I have used the CSGO cheats before and the flawlessness the cheat provides is impeccable, no unreasonable menus the cheat just gets right to the point, the features and fuctions of the cheat are reliable and all you need. PUBG - I havent managed to get a good long play with the cheats as i'm not a fan of PUBG, but after using BlackSector on PUBG, it made the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable, the loot esp and functions of being able to selectively choose what loot is wanted to be seen is incredible. As well as there are so many convoluted cheats on the market that make cheating in games like this too obvious leading to quick and swift ban, but the function-ability of being able to tweak settings such as FOV, and smoothness is incredible and makes the game so much more to play. RUST - I have used BlackSectors Rust cheat for months and months, and this.... is nothing short of the best cheat sold on any site. I'm telling you this, if and when you are able to play BlackSector through rust, it will totally put any cheat or program for rust to shame, as How02 has made this cheat flawless in everyway, providing updates as to referals and whenever a game update comes out. I have never seen a developer more dedicated to making the cheat more accessible and easy to use through every update and change the game receives. Most cheat delevopers out there are really only in the game for money, but I can tell you this.... How02 loves making money, but more importantly loves running a business and community that he can call his. I have been using the Rust cheat now for 2 Months and 4 Days without any spoofer or protection, and I have not been banned once. The cheats on this site are truly the best money can buy. 10/10 -Denied
  11. No spoofer.
  12. I've been using BlackSector for one month straight and haven't been banned once.
  13. Been a while, haven't had a lot of time to record i'm gonna get more soon But for now, enjoy
  14. If you are having an issue possibly with trying to start a BS game cheat. Try creating a desktop shortcut of the game.
  15. Thanks
  16. This video is a little old, but black sector makes moments like these bliss.
  17. Denied


    Read into this post for the information you're looking for.
  18. I have been gone for some time now. I was in the Coast Guard. Yet, i am back and i will be making more videos for Black Sector. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsE1_-t6O_06zE2KS3dpPmg Follow my adventures with Black Sector here, and i'll show you why Black Sector is the best.
  19. You decide... I know I have.
  20. When you are banned from a server, which i mostly play modded vanilla. Because when caught on official its usually a full game ban But does anyone have any solution to bypassing a modded server ban. Possibly an IP ban, or account ban, because i dont think server owners have the ability to HWban themselves Any solutions new accounts, VPN.? I have a VPN but wondering if i need to just buy a new account
  21. That game has like 200 people playing I doubt he'll consider it.
  22. A short tage of funny rust hack moments again... I keep missing some good ass clips... Suggest whatever else you wanna see Gonna do a indepth feedback soon. Thanks
  23. Gotta wait till applications are open again.
  24. Denied

    Random Rust Shit

    Random Rust Moments. Just to keep you smiling until applications open again...
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