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Everything posted by Denied

  1. @wantsupport Once the cheat is 100% undetected... There is no time for when it will come out..
  2. Both pretty crazy bikes. If you did get one, think about it this way you probably wouldnt ever have to upgrade again.. Anyone can start on any bike, my friend started on a s1000rr, and never rode a bike before that and did just fine. Its not the bike that will kill you, its you...
  3. Honestly... i started on a 600... did just fine You must learn to respect a bike, or you will kill yourself 80% of motorcyclist crashes are due to others liability 20% mixes in with stunters, and user errors... Fuckhead drivers ruin it for others...
  4. NIce dude, just take it slow... I started small 600cc and it helped alot Speed is easy to abuse..
  5. after doing some insurance research though... my insurance was 75$ a month
  6. Denied


    Its the best price i've seen, some devs charge like 400$ a month. And even their cheat is shit, compared to @how02's PUBG cheat.. 100$ a month a 35$ after that, is just... crazy good.
  7. Do some looking around at some insurance companies... Im 19 they wanted 4000 a year 750/month for full for me. I did some searching and got some good deals... and if you do a MSF course (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) they give you 15% off your insurance.
  8. Denied

    PUBG Showcase

    Damn @how02, these features... sick Dope showcase @LYJ Short and sweet. Prepare for the where can I buy questions
  9. My first bike was a 2009 Fz6 Fazer Gayest looking bike ever... at least mine was, got hit by a car and used that money to move up in the world.. My 2014 FZ09 - Red (Changing to black soon) She's a bit dirty, just got her first sunny day in a while so don't make fun of her... Show me your bike, or what you may wanna get.. We can use this sub, to talk about or maybe tips if you want to get into riding...
  10. sick, thanks.
  11. Trembo out here embarrassing every counter raider...
  12. To encrypt a string
  13. Anyone know of a simplified program that uses xor encryption?
  14. KreyGasm asf
  15. how get free skittles out of vending machine 2018?
  16. LE Placed.... Pretty good Whatever settings you got keep it up- Might wanna tone it down as you go up in rank, players are a lot more aware
  17. Hope you guys enjoy Was a fun little edit, you want anything edited pm me Let me know what you think (Had to reupload because, logo was messed up)
  18. Never been banned... But LE (Legendary Eagle) A scale for others to see where what ranks are placed at.
  19. I think that Rules Of Survival. That BR App on IOS OmegaLuL
  20. 殴打的作弊行为尚不可用,而且当它确实将仅针对经过验证的用户。为了验证,管理员必须将您视为网站的资产,帮助其他人对现在可用的秘籍进行评论,等等
  21. I've messaged you myself, my friend isnt on to help me, so ill do the best i can with a translator...
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