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Everything posted by bobbafatso

  1. I have talked to different people lately. It looks like its enough to change mobo and ram to avoid hwid ban in rust. They have never cared for your ip, i have tested that tons of times.
  2. Dont buy from people without any good rep. I would suggest swift games etc. Those cheap cracked accounts is not worth it anymore unless you gonna play for just a few hours.
  3. Hwid reset is not for resetting your id to get unbanned in games. Its for the loader
  4. bobbafatso

    Rust hack PvP

    How can u block eac like that?
  5. Never forget to change mac adress.. And btw, you dont get vac bans in rust.
  6. Who is hoppel?
  7. I dont know who hoppel is, never heard of him. So they must have changed it earlier this year? Because i know of people who was hwid, waited 3 months and no bans after that. People who got hwid in april/may on the other hand.. Still struggling with hwid ban
  8. Exactly! Personally i think we will see even longer bans, it has happend allready. People who is on their 6th or 7th month by now and still hwid.. I hope i am wrong, but eac will just prob become stronger by this sale.
  9. Hmm.. I doubt that to be honest. BUT if they change their policy and dont hold bans for that long, well that is excellent.
  10. I think they have extended their hwid bans..
  11. Eu parlament.. The biggest gathering of retarded asshole in one place, i would love to see the union crash completely.
  12. I think they have extended their bans now lol.
  13. ^^
  14. I want money aswell, like 3 million euro or something.
  15. Mistakes or not, it wont do anything. This ^^ up there, wont help.
  16. Im not saying it is against the law, but the agreement when you buy and play the game. The second part i agree on though.
  17. By cheating, we are actually breaking the agreement when installing the game. U know, the agreement you agree on. Or am i wrong?
  18. They keep it so they can hold you banned, don`t be naive If it was that ez to get unbanned, the whole point with their system is gone.
  19. If i could take a guess, fp will prob hold to your info as long as they could.
  20. Nice one, thanks. But yea, facepunch prob has a shitlist aside from eac.
  21. For rust or?
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