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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. wait a few days and hope bitcoin price goes up
  2. 1 Don't cheat Yes, there is a possibility of getting banned even if you are legit cheating. Yes, but you will not be able to buy it from us as it is invite only.
  3. You can ask your question here https://blacksector.solutions/forum/49-csgo-discussion/ and post your feedback here https://blacksector.solutions/forum/23-feedbacks/ But to answer your question, yes you can use the cheat in prime matchmaking.
  4. not yet
  5. Thanks for the review
  7. Thanks for the review.
  8. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/warhammer-40000-space-marine#checkout-section
  9. i dont think so
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/304390/FOR_HONOR/
      • 2
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  11. pm an admin
  12. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/orwell
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  13. https://store.steampowered.com/app/222880/Insurgency/
  14. @how02 will be on shortly to re-enable everything
  15. https://blacksector.solutions/store/
  16. I dont think they are official
  17. Sometime in May A few yes yes
  18. hmmm....
  19. I want hot sexy girlfriend to cook for me. yes.
  20. I believe a few people did get hit by the wave from May but our cheat was already patched in May so there were not many damage. No, we currently only support VAC. Yes, there are many post with legit setting including mine. No, once you buy the cheat and download our client it is just a few clicks away from having fun. The skinchanger is only on the Full version of the CS:GO cheat. We do not have an inventory or medal changer. Yes, you can pay via paypal. The activation is instant through paypal. If you have any question after you buy the cheat, feel free to ask any staff member.
  21. You need to buy a cheat.
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