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Everything posted by shiro

  1. What a nice review.
  2. You could join the regular Discord we've got. https://discord.gg/9KDch94 I even made voice channels you can use. Lobby #1 and Lobby #2
  3. Not at all that way. There's so much in those 40 minutes, it's like a few episodes mixed into one episode. There are so much plot and character development so quickly, it's one of my favorite shows and definitely one of the greater ones. 12 Monkeys is just great. They take huge breaks which is saddening but it's worth it.
  4. Have you at least heard of Flash? He's a superhero. My favorite. Well, one of them. I don't know if I can put him before or after Batman, they're pretty much a tie for me. Season 1 is so great. Season 2 is just meh. Season 3 is great but has more romance scenes than it should. The 100 season 1 is fucking outstanding. Season 2 is meh. Season 3 also outstanding. The start of season 4 is great, it's all about plot right now so can't judge it much. Season 1 and 2 of 12 Monkeys have both been top-tier. Season 1 of Daredevil is great. Season 2 of Daredevil will blow your mind once you get past the plot episodes.
  5. I'm glad. If you're into that type of music you should check out my Spotify playlist. I'll post f interested.
  6. Good point. The way to stop this is adding a system like AIMWARE's where the admin/staff have to approve or deny HWID resets. Then obviously if someone sold their account their HWID and IP would change. Your state and maybe even your country would change depending who bought the account. Many ways to counter account selling. In fact, account sharing and selling is already countered quite a bit. This is everything RH logs. HDD Number CPU GPU Motherboard Operating System Session name IP Basically a complete hardware cartography is possible
  7. Invites wouldn't be purchasable. They'd go to trustworthy members. If you could buy invites, there'd be no need for the invite system.
  8. pGcheats sell an ESEA cheat, but they have requirements for it. More than 1-year pGc member. More than 4 months active hack user. Verified status. This would prevent ESEA getting their hands on it, and people who would send it to ESEA and stuff along the lines.
  9. Dumping/cracking is fairly easy while protecting is pretty damn hard. They're taking precautions, they may have confidence in their methods to protect their binaries, but they're not going to just release it to the public just in case. They have a flawless record according to OP, wouldn't you want them to keep it? I mean, if RH is public(unsure if they're going invite only yet), you'll have a Rust cheat soon if you want one.
  10. It's not "shit." Them selling the cheat to you would be your privilege/reward. They don't HAVE to sell a cheat, they want to make sure you're trusted before letting you buy. Many underground coders do this, lol.
  11. It's fine. The cheating scene isn't really competition. A lot of providers help each other, at least in CS:GO. ViRTUS is beta tester and he owns a CS:GO provider. Atex is beta tester and he's support for other providers, etc. Want to do RH vs PerfectAim? I can get on like right now and we can do some testing.
  12. How's PerfectAim's detection ratio?
  13. Yes. Chams will be added because it's also useful for other games.
  14. Flash The 100 12 Monkeys 12 Monkeys are on break filming S3. A replacement for that until it's back would be Daredevil... even though they're also on break, I haven't finished season 2.
  15. How was it? You enjoy them!?
  16. Love this sonngggg
  17. Well, seems like you're the first person to cause trouble on the forums. The rep abuse in this thread would be appreciated if stopped.
  18. GOAT
  19. ESEA will probably never be sold publicly by RH for obvious reasons. FaceIT server-side A/C bypass may come soon. CEVO also has a potential of being taken down by the RH team(if the anti-cheat is even popular, like.. who uses CEVO anymore lawl?) EAC is also something that could be done. FaceIT client is told to be like ESEA or damn near close to it, so that'll probably not get sold. Though my word shouldn't be taken for it, and they'll probably end up checking it out. Sorry I didn't get back sooner, I seen the thread and forgot to reply. Maybe UnstucK or how02 will clear some stuff up.
  20. No ETA. Maybe the next developer blog will contain some info.
  21. Do you mean visuals hidden while streaming?
  22. Make CS:GO a challenge, take RCS out of the aimbot! To be fair, my recoil control is already good as it is but sometimes I'm not always in the fov when I shoot and aimbot doesn't target on it, it just shoots up and instead if it shot down you could get a good spraydown. #THE USE OF INDEPENDENT RCS
  23. You know what isn't useless? Independent RCS
  24. At least Windows 7 SP1 is required. I'm sure at your local tech store you can get a Windows 7 disc for cheap.
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