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Everything posted by shiro

  1. If you get invited by a user with the trusted rank, you'll after have to pay 35 euros per month for the cheat.
  2. Standalone RCS is very useful, lol. Why wouldn't you want it?
  3. Discord meme right here. Made me laugh.
  4. @eKKKo is playing fine with no problems for about 12 hours now.
  5. Please add BOW AIMBOT
  6. animal- number- 3 color- red
  7. http://prntscr.com/etdszj [WINNER] #6 - BlueXDinosaur
  8. Will end at 10 replies doing RNG. I will either edit my post and show winner and then PM them as well. Just comment anything.
  9. I was talking about CS:GO, but everything is preference/opinion. I have low-tier aim but don't need ESP because I've used ESP before and have common map knowledge.
  10. Too lazy to check the stock. You have any of these Reddit accounts in stock? If so, I'm in.
  11. http://prntscr.com/et9b3k
  12. I play RSPS's all the time. Can't find a good community to stick with.
  13. I love Rainbow Six. Normally play it on my brother's account. Sign me up, I'll take this.
  14. Thanks for the cool giveaway.
  15. I'm in. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to others.
  16. Count me in, bud. :thumbs_up: Thanks for the giveaway, lad.
  17. Premium = bought the cheat Trusted = old beta testers/people UnstucK/how02/menc9re redeem trusted.
  18. I'm American!
  19. No ESP, only use aimbot.
  20. I only play/cheat in Rust because I can.
  21. Jet Set Radio Future or Brute Force. Unbeatable.
  22. I've never used one, but awhile ago I had to use SoftEther VPN because every other VPN was blocked on a website.
  23. 1) When streaming on Steam, ESP doesn't show.. that's all I know. 2) Both 3) No.
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