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Everything posted by shiro

  1. Yeah let's just say welcome to someone here for a month
  2. I'm 16 and just graduated high school. Not looking forward to marriage or even a relationship soon. Congratulations on your new wed!
  3. Glad you're okay. With a hit like that, you're super lucky to still be alive or not extremely injured.
  4. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is sad.
  5. No one has reported problems about the skin changer and there's a high amount of users. I think it's safe to say that the butterfly animation works fine.
  6. I used to watch CinCinBear and LegendaryLea.
  7. Partners accept all forms of payment, if I'm correct, PSC is supported by them.
  8. Hello, Korean! I am Shiro! The PUBG cheat is not yet ready and is still pretty early in development. Stick around the forums and the Discord and you'll get the latest news/information on the cheat.
  9. I think you have to ask how02.
  10. He doesn't have an invite at PA. He does have 100 rep, though.
  11. We're not one of the only Rust cheat providers and the Rust cheat requires an invite to be able to be purchased. If you have questions on the 'invited' role, I'll happily answer them for you!
  12. We're not salty. 90% of the community doesn't even know your name. Have fun around the forums, you're not welcome back in the Discord.
  13. Why haven't you left yet?
  14. He's saying HE is buying accounts.
  15. Any games? Nothing specific like Rust or CS?
  16. Have you joined our Discord? If not, here's a permalink! https://discord.gg/MF9EYC9
  17. No denial there. <3
  18. Even me being square!?
  19. Rust/H1Z1 don't have a product page. Especially since H1Z1 isn't done or worked on for that matter. Rust doesn't have a product page, though. It just says Aimbot/ESP with exploits included.
  20. The Rust hack isn't down. Just unknown whether or not it's detected.
  21. Am I becoming a quote?
  22. Exactly! You got the idea. Hope to see you around these Discord making friends!
  23. shiro


    There's an invite thread for Trusted users. We just like, put your RH profile(I put other things along with this but, just an example) and then if UnstucK +1's your comment, he's invited. If -1'd, he's rejected/denied. Which has only happened to one person so far.
  24. shiro


    Trusted applications? That was beta signups and are no longer available.
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