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Everything posted by Kridra

  1. easyclap
  2. Hi bud! I would just recomend to make a new paypal account. Fast, secure and easy.
  3. Hello! First of all I would like to thank everyone for participating in the giveaway, and Im happy that so many of you guys entered! It always feels great to give back to the community, especially a community as amazing as this. I've read all the entries, and honestly i feel like everyone deserves to win.. But sadly there is just one winner this time. So i had to pick out one random. It's my honor to announce that the winner of this weeks giveaway is.. WINNER: @Maths Your receiving a 50EUR bss giftcard! Congrats bud! Maths will post a screenshot of the received prize as proof in this thread. To everyone else, don't cry! might be a giveaway next weeks also.
  4. Overwatch cheat woeld be awesome tbh
  5. Bruh, fortnite is a dead game
  6. Hello buds! Decided to do a litte giveaway for my bros! Because why the fuck not? This time the grand price gonna be a 50EUR BSS Gift card that will come in handy for most of you guys! Yeah im a cheap fuck. ik. Explain in this thread why YOU deserve to win, and i’ll get a staff member to pick out a winner for me. GIVEAWAY CLOSES 04.10.2019 18:00 EST Also i would appreciate if the winner of the giveaway could post a picture of the received prize as proof! Good luck!
  7. Looks dope bud!
  8. Man now i want this cheat so bad!!!! Take my money How02
  9. Yeah i mean ESP is the only feature needed. Vision is key
  10. Apex, RB6S would be neat! COD series? League of legends?? Ahaha
  11. Good post! Very informative. I have 2800 hours on rust playing legit. After testing BSS for CSGO im really impressed by the features. And after reading this post i really hope to get a invite in the future. And hopefully start easyclapping other cheaters! good work!
  12. Kridra

    rust hack

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