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Everything posted by JimmyChau

  1. You finally got invited!!!! XD
  2. Denied only I’m allowed rust sorry
  3. Omg man i was plat 1 last season and was placed in plat 1 this season and keep going up and down dont judge ffs Show off
  4. Well you sound extra cocky for someone who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s on about? Yes I did go full rage until the cheat went apparently detected and I only used no recoil and esp buddy don’t see your issue considering I even gave my account link so everyone can see for their selves when I get banned lmao plus ask Spacey another member on this forums we were literally HvHing on rust lmao so pipe down peasant
  5. Not meant to help anyone sticking to my word of updating this with screens of my profile too show proof. B———D
  6. still no ban havnet played for a while tho due to exams and being away,but still no delayed ban lasting 4 weeks.
  7. Yes
  8. Thanks man
  9. Frrrr gotta get that recoil slider but obvs once the cheat becomes undetected for everyone not just me and some
  10. unknown
  11. quick update
  12. bom video mano
  13. Just realised how bad it sounds fuckkkkkk
  14. Yeah just been on today will upload a little vid soon was spying on some kids was pretty funny.
  15. Nope... 4 weeks straight now
  16. Tens que ter invite para usares o hack de rust de resto podes comprar nada e de graca
  17. Welp basically some people have been accusing me of BULLSHITTING so i decided today to make a shortish video of me proving that i dont get banned and i will post screenshots every so often to prove my account is still not banned unless one of you fuckers find my account lmao, towards the end its got some kills not many tho cause i spent like 2 mins on the server and got bored... Overall i believe the cheat is fucking EPIC and I dont have any issues only issue actually would possibly be the fps but i can live with that, one suggestion which ive already said in the past in one of my posts is a recoil slider and maybe also able to change opacity of colours for like the skeleton etc cause half the time i cant see peoples skeletons cause its too bright
  18. I feel honoured to be mentioned in this post thanks darling❤️
  19. He puts posts on EPVP and says its HIS cheat half the time
  20. Yeah he sells for other providers
  21. Its kinda already public as ive said in one of my posts ive used for 5 days straight i brought a keys of a reseller for like $50 all together its really expensive buying off resellers
  22. Yeah i dont get it cause both times the ban waves happened i was still using but maybe its cause i only use esp
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