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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. Can't use any more reactions today apparently, otherwise i'd give you like
  2. Fullgame videos is much more entertaining then seeing a few kills here and there A monthly montage with highlights from the amout of games played could be a thing aswell I just made you famous on Youtube my man
  3. Tjena grabben, let me know when ur down to play
  4. Looks awesome! Can't wait
  5. Merci beaucoup, mon amie
  6. Thanks man! Where are you located? 3,5k hours is a while, hook me up with some of that skill
  7. Bushweed go for around 25bucks pr g, decent leaf is around 30.. all these damn hustlers Coke and MDMA is 60'ish
  8. My taste in music changes from week to week.. But mainly Rock/Metal/Rap and even Country sometimes Huge fan of G-Eazy and his style
  9. Hello everyone, i'm Notorious! I'm also known as Petter, and 23 years old. From Europe, and live in the cold north Norway. I play a few games, like most of us do. Mainly CSGO, Rust and PUBG. What do you guys play? And if there is anyone around Europe who would like to play either of these games, HIT ME UP If you happened to be outside of Europe, i'll be the nice guy and stay up late a night or two Currently DMG in matchmaking, all legit. Trying to push global now with cheats, and im failing. Eagle is a nightmare Nothing more than the average PUBG player, until mrtrademaster hooks me up with the skills Rust i'll do anyday, im online almost 24/7. Mainly play modded 5x servers. got myself hooked up with all the ranks and kits available. (or wasted too much money..) Usually are 2-6 people that play together, would love to bring more of you in on the fun. With or without cheats. We're all legit plebs atm Feel free to ask me anything you like, not that anyone of you would care much anyways I dont know what else to tell you guys, find me on Tinder
  10. Would you be my slave for a day if i hooked you up with Mila Kunis?
  11. Ai ai sir, will do my best
  12. I come in peace, hands down
  13. I used to play alot of solo survival vanilla back in the days, had a blast! I'm a decent pvper, and overall good at the game. Or so i thought.. I kept getting 3x headshotted over and over.. enemies knowing my exact position. And then the worst of it all. Making the perfect raidproof base, only to find it raided and blown straight into the lootrooms, nothing else touched. Collected my salt and said fck em, if you cant beat them. Join them
  14. Is there a buy-in for invites, or do you have to get invited beforehand? I'm curious about the Rust and PUBG cheats and getting into one of their slots, is bribe a thing?
  15. Do you know how many slots it has, and how often does it get detected? New around here, just being curious about what im getting into
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