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Everything posted by godmike0808

  1. "Applications for Rust and PUBG are still closed. No ETA for when they are open again." best regards mike
  2. awesome review !
  3. godmike0808

    Rust Cheat

    great review cant wait to test it out !
  4. amazing recoil control !! better than hjune
  5. damnnn son !! would love to see some action on vanilla server official . People would get much more salty
  6. Thanks for this review ! Cant wait to test it out
  7. thanks for the review, cant wait until I can test the cheat out
  8. noiceee liked it and good music choice !
  9. welcome back ! great community here
  10. Awesome videos, really enjoyed watching it!
  11. I hate getting raided by a salty zerg if I play solo or duo. Thats why I wanted to get the rust hack to get my revenge on them lel
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