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Everything posted by RustPlayer

  1. You got banned because RustGlory is detected, that doesn't say anything about BSS.
  2. All we need is the HvH Version for CSGO
  3. I have debugcamera on a bind right now, so would it be:"bind space debugcamera;jump" ?
  4. How do you do the "Debug Jump"?
  5. plati.ru
  6. Well, that's what their policies say
  7. They unban you after 3 months
  8. @how02 is going to release a new spoofer, you can wait for that
  9. Too much mistakes :c
  10. Cheating on rust is NOT against the LAW. If you break the agreement, you get banned, that's not a reason to get spied on.
  11. So sue them for not obeying the LAW and get profit/close EAC?
  12. I asked them to send me the information they have and delete it, if they don't send me my hwid/gpuid/cpuid and stuff, I will ask them why they didn't send it because their policies say that they collect that info.
  13. How did they ban without the information?
  14. You have to contact EAC to remove yourself from EAC blacklist. Ask Facepunch to remove ALL DATA about you from THEIR system.(Facepunch MIGHT have ANOTHER blacklist)
  15. Well there are laws and in their policies they said that they won't hold your information for longor then 3 months,if they do, you can just SUE them, lol.
  16. How much time do they approx take to respond?
  17. Hmm, But if I'm from EU, shouldn't this law still apply? Does this law mean that EU companies have to remove the information or does it mean that EU people can ask to remove information about them?
  18. You can also try this:
  19. There is no shared working spoofer on the forum ATM, you should wait for @how02 to make one.
  20. Ohh and btw, can't we PM facepunch with the same question if they have another list?
  21. Should I link my banned account or my main?
  22. Same,but 5 days( got 1 report tho LOL)
  23. Most servers won't ban you
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