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  1. Hack looks pretty decent! The edit was really clean too, nice song choice. Interesting to think that you could make videos with ESP on and probably get away with it. (The aimbot is pretty obvious though ;P )
  2. I always preface posts like this with a suggestion. Use the search function. A lot of these questions have been answered already here. 1. It's definitely not down. As far as I'm aware, it's still being fine-tuned and how02 is trying to make sure it's where it needs to be before it's open for applications. 2. Unfortunately you can't be invited right now. The only people that have access are people that extended their subscription from when they had the old Rust hack. 3. See above. When it's opened to the public it'll probably be an application and an accompanying application fee like the PUBG cheat. 4. I would suggest being an active member of the community and more importantly, a valuable asset. Don't just post "wow nice hack can't wait" on every post about Rust. Try and provide something to the community. 5. No clue on the Discord, I haven't seen anything but maybe someone can enlighten both of us on this one. 6. The Rust hack is pretty "new" and there was a recent PUBG release. I'm not the developer so I wouldn't know all the details. I hope that helped a bit!
  3. Thanks for the gameplay video! BS is the best.
  4. I heard that you get sent to Overwatch if you get reported a certain amount of times in a certain time frame (there was some controversy on the exact numbers) but I'm going to look into it. Worst case, I'll switch in between accounts every day.
  5. I bought the CSGO ESP a few days ago and just finished the placements. My main was Gold Nova 4 (GN4) but I managed to get this one placed Legendary Eagle (LE)! I've played about 20 games so far (18-2) and I've only had two people accuse me of walling. The ESP has everything you'd ever need and offers near extreme customization. Fantastic work as always. 10/10 I'll post an update in a few days as far as my rank and how easy I've found it to avoid being OW'd.
  6. Interesting that you can choose the weapon you want to aimbot with, never seen that in a cheat before. I bet it helps build overall accuracy since every weapon fires slightly differently. Anyway, nice video! Keep 'em coming.
  7. There isn't a way to "hide it" but there are a few things you could do to make it harder to draw a connection. Make sure you don't have your banned account added on Steam Delete everyone off the friends list on your banned account (sometimes admins will ban you if you have a lot of friends in common with a banned user) Change your IP if you haven't in the past 800 hours of gameplay (some servers compare IPs to previously banned ones) Changing your profile to private can sometimes be construed as suspicious, so keep that in mind if hack-usations start to appear Playing more than one game on your alt account will make it seem less obvious that it's an alt account That's about all the advice I have! Hope that helps.
  8. That menu is by far the cleanest I've seen on a Rust hack. Can't wait to see more!
  9. Consistently impressed by these videos. The hype is real!
  10. jesus, that's a lot of l00t.
  11. Looking great! Would love to see more of it in action.
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