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Everything posted by minohhh

  1. minohhh

    Rust Review

    So.. this is my 2nd day with Blacksector rust and have been using how02 rust cheat in *********.net(His old website) . To be honest this is like the best rust cheat i ever used Ratings 11/10
  2. Cheat is currently down and don't bother begging for invite
  3. Its 35 euro for rust cheat. You only can get invited through admins/trusted users invites applys to the cheat ur invited only but for your info csgo and tf2 cheats are publics they don't need invite
  4. #farmingrep #kappareport #rigitforme thank you
  5. Im in
  6. Chorzzz rigged it for me pl0x imma love u
  7. I hope this giveaway is rigged for me
  8. Sup i'm from Singapore [SEA]
  9. Nice TayTay review love it and that pic SEXY
  10. Hello And WELCOME to RH do enjoy ur stay here
  11. Woops typo i i meant to type only support VAC
  12. Try to be friendly around the forums and help out people who need help
  13. minohhh


    Vac only
  14. I don't think so BSS CSGO support other anti cheats besides VAC
  15. Its only invited its not open for public to buy
  16. There might be hack for this game as the game is still really new i don't even think there's any provider has released the hack for pubg
  17. @bloodyhall14 Gratz on the give away - Nice give away @killer4nl (totally rigged :kappa:)
  18. Try getting a reseller like the reseller is able to take in any payment and the reseller uses the customer account to login and get them rust or send them the rust cheat
  19. Nice Review, Hope u enjoyed the rust cheat
  20. Ahh ok my bad
  21. Donation dont boost ur chances of getting invite. If ur interested to get invite please join the RH discord and try ur luck speaking to shiro -minohhh
  22. Toggle dev mode under misc Press f1 to open console Paste this into console bind p debugcamera Rename P to your liking Press P and profit.
  23. No.
  24. Nah i will be ur bae
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