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About pazpok

  • Birthday May 31

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  1. Hi everyone, Would be awesome to see on site (like in right sidebar or left), which hack are offline/online/detected with symbol or greenlight/redlight ... Just saying ;). Have a very beautiful day to RH's communities <3
  2. Animal : Meerkat Color :Yellow Number : 15 Thanks to you for this giveaway <3
  3. Found stash is my favourite pleasure
  4. To get an invite i will help people if i can but never suck a d***. If you are girl, we can discuss :p.
  5. just read this topic :
  6. Nice point of view Stezz, you're absolutely right about that. Obviously offline raid is the right solution for now. Online raid require to be fix about this despawning but i don't know how it's possible (maybe increase cooldown when your drop a item on the ground). About gun's skill, yes guns are easy to take in charge but Facepunch began (with P250 nerf long range) to make harder to kill people. (sorry about my english --French)
  7. Did you try to change compatibility ?
  8. Searchlight look nice yes. Stezz you think something in particular cause i don't see what kind of improvements left in game .
  9. Hello everyone, New Radtown seems to be sick, so exited to hit some barrel in . Just want to have your point of view of this new devblog ? Cheers
  10. Thanks to resume information
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