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Everything posted by mrtrademaster

  1. I dont know man....its like super super secret discord
  2. I mean, it super secret tho...
  3. I mean its a super secret discord...
  4. HWID Spoofer is only available for Rust and PUBG customers. //closed
  5. Blacksector does not have a discord, but you can join my super secret discord if you would like.
  6. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/sins-of-a-solar-empire-rebellion
      • 1
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  7. @how02 Should be online soon
  8. you need to wait for manual activation
  9. //closed
  10. Thanks for the review.
  11. No, it is not possible.
  12. insert
  13. insert
  14. This game is free for 3 days. Once you get it you get to keep it forever. https://store.steampowered.com/app/638070/Murderous_Pursuits/
  15. no ETA
  16. Thanks for the review.
  17. Yes, it was last detected in may but we have improved security since then. Yes, every user has a unique build, and about every 15 mins the build server will provide a new build. Like every other cheat, there are still a chance of getting detected. I recommend you play on a smurf but you can do what you want.
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