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Everything posted by LazyToxic

  1. that does not mean that the hack is detected, it can continue to be undetected, and I think it is not detected (no ban for me yet)
  2. Yes this is 100 € for the first month, and then 35 €
  3. yes you can, you need to contact resellers
  4. Rust without hesitation
  5. This is the time to do this review because it is the best of all my old hack. ESP: (10/10) I have nothing to say because it works very well, you can have all the information you need. Aimbot: (9/10) it's really good, the drop correction is Great! We can shoot players, animals, heli, its very good, and we can really personalize our aimbot, a pity that the silent is not available. Misc: (10/10) Fast melee really helps! the Debug Camera is really good!, This is the first time I use a hack with a SpeedHack, it's Great, and you will never get kick with it! You can adjust it too, and it helps a lot! Always Day really helps! All other Features (No recoil, No Spread, No decor ....) are awesome pity that the fly hack is no longer possible This hack really deserves to be tested at least once! because it really has everything I need, The community is good, help, share, the administrator, staff, are good people. I do not speak to everyone but they are really reactive! Thank you for this Work!
  6. LazyToxic

    PUBG review

    Sounds Good
  7. Thanks you for that =)
  8. The hack rust and it internal / external?
  9. I think it's impossible )=
  10. Donations can help
  11. I find the price reasonable
  12. To have more chance to be invited here is what he and better to do: Be a trustworthy person. Being present on the Forum Be useful Donations can also help =)
  13. LazyToxic


    To be invited you must: To be present on the forum. Be useful Being Confident. And donating can also help =)
  14. You just have to be present on the forum and help or inform people in difficulty or by some other way. Basically you are interested in any discussion.
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