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Everything posted by floW

  1. I really dont care since i am playing like 2 games of cs per week, pause between these 2 games is like a day so i am not scared of ow ban. That means i am not trying to play legit.
  2. Hi, welcome to BSS, happy to have you here.
  3. interesting.
  4. 250+ days since my vac ban, still waiting for unban
  5. I am sad no one is using it, but ty for nice comment.
  6. You had 4 chances to spell "vegas" correctly just joking no offensive. TY for tutorial. :-)
  7. Beholder, CS:GO and Fortnite atm. WOW sometimes.
  8. "singleplayer" My first game in which i have used cheats was Minecraft
  9. floW

    Rust Hack Moments #1

    Good quality and funny content. good job.
  10. Its 4pm for me
  11. Design number 2 was replaced, because it was disusting and i didnt like it. Hope this one looks better.
  12. Even if its bad propagation, its still a propagation.
  13. Nice review, i like that font u have used on panels. :-)
  14. Yes most of coders are using Visual Studio.
  15. Thx guys, appreciate it. <3
  16. Hello guys, i have prepared a review panels for you, everyone can use it. If you want me to add something, just let me know in comment section. MY BEHANCE PORTFOLIO: https://www.behance.net/marty_kral MY WEBSITE (CZ ONLY) http://www.flowgfx.xyz/ #1 Your misc review. Your aimbot review. Your visuals review. Your triggerbot review. #2 Your misc review. Your aimbot review. Your visuals review. Your triggerbot review. #3 Your misc review. Your aimbot review. Your visuals review Your triggerbot review. W A L L P A P E R S #1 https://imgur.com/ZC0C2xo
  17. what if its you on my profile photo? owo
  18. Fortnite / Get Over It cause this game is absolute madness.
  19. Cause its fun. Thats it.
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