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  1. And i never wrote i Will give the one you gave me?
  2. I have an new spoofer lolLol
  3. So im considering of making an "book" of how to get "unban" i will give all my experience, and all my tools HWID/SPOOFER/VPN/ and so on, i have been cheating for over years and played rust over years and have over 40+ accounts banned, so now i wanna help other people out, im only doing this if you guys are interested Sorry for bad english, have an nice day
  4. Fast and furious! All of them! How they stick togther! Money,Family.Race/speed.. Best movies i have ever seen.. Rip Paul walker.. “If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling.“
  5. Steamby.ru is prob the best and fastest, i have been using it for looong time now, or try not to get banned
  6. Welcome! hope you will have good time here
  7. Thanks bby
  8. I found new HWID/MAC changer so im gotta keep you guys updated if that works
  9. Dont think so, i have wiped my pc more times. And after that i have been playing for months without any bans.
  10. Its was a new SSD never used
  11. So i have been cheating for one year ago aleast, and i played legit after that, i have been playing for like 6 month without any bans at all. not long time ago i bought SSD for my pc and after 1day rust banned me (gameban) i keep got new accounts and still getting game ban. My SDD should be fine when i never cheated on it. After that i started use HWID changer and all that. I can play for 1 week + - at time and than i hit gameban again? My mom and dad not live togther, its like everytime i take my pc from one place to another place i hit ban after some hours? Most of you thinking it my ip prob, but if it was my ip i dont think i should be able to play 1 week before ban? steam accounts http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198178239013/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/Shipuup http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007172004/ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994392440 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007041450 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065272238 When the first banned hit, all my accounts got banned. More account too just cant find them all Sorry for bad english Thanks - Lysdahl
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