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Everything posted by Crasher

  1. It's not free and you have to get invited. The cheat is down at the moment so you cannot apply
  2. It is pretty hard to hvh as people will have a client that is used for hvh. Blacksector doesnt have a spin bot menu so it will be easy for them to win in gunfights if they are using spin bot
  3. You have to be active in the forums and hope for the best.
  4. Contacting how02 personally will give you a better chance of getting sponsored
  5. You can't just ask for it, you have to be active in the forums and hope that how02 or the other admins approve you
  6. Crasher

    Rust Review

    The rust cheat does look very nice just wish I had it
  7. thanks man
  8. how?
  9. My first account on rust got banned and I have been playing on my main for 800 hours and do not want to get banned on that account. I dont server owners to know I have been banned on an alt. If you could inform me on ways to hide it that would be great
  10. Ahhh the cheat is so clean!
  11. Make me want the rust cheat even more !
  12. Very nice video thanks for sharing
  13. To be invited you just need to be active and hope for the best
  14. Crasher


    Nice im hopping onto rust now lol. There are so many features that are so useful like debug and speed hack! i want it
  15. Crasher


    hows the rust cheat? is it detected?
  16. Crasher


    Hey man
  17. Crasher

    Rust cheat

    Nice review mate, hope i can use the cheat too!
  18. Ok thanks
  19. I have turned it off and it still seems to be blocking me
  20. I can't run games that have battle eye anti cheat? I tried Fortnite and H1Z1 none of them will open, any suggestions?
  21. Yeh... How02 is working on the PUBG cheat as everyone is wanting it. I think that the Rust cheat will be next.
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