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Everything posted by stezz

  1. Just sit tight and be a good member. Don't ask the staff to be beta, or for any unreasonable favours. Next time they have a beta test sign up, do it
  2. stezz


    download it from the page.... look around dude, there are tutorials
  3. Okay thanks
  4. stezz


    This guy knows what's up
  5. stezz


    I'm kind of new here. But I can say since 2016 there have been no detections. That being said if you play like an idiot, well that is your problem. many great confies on this site to make this aim bot look very good and legit
  6. This most likely means you are too broke to buy. Or for some reason your card people have a problem. if you have one of those prepaid cards, You have to wait a while before using them. thats all the relèvent knowledge I have. my regards
  7. What would my official rank be, if I both donated, and purchased the csgo cheat. Would I be displayed as donor, premium, or what? thanks,
  8. stezz

    My Review

  9. All three of these shows are amazing
  10. Thanks, looking forward to hoping on later
  11. Ok. Sounds good
  12. I don't care if you cheat or not, but I would like to play and get to know some of you while I wait for a chance to buy the rust back. as long as you are not a squeeker, and have discord...
  13. Game of thrones FMA the 100
  14. I played for a month with this cheat, and I can honestly say that this cheat, for such a small price is so much better than other cheats. Aimbot legit: 10/10 easy to configure, never got called out, play like I'm global. This aimbot really has something going triggerbot: 8/10 because I wasn't really inclined to using it that much, because the aim bot does all the work. But it's good with the awp esp: 10/10 amazing. It looks nice, so customizable, it's setup so it does not block your view at all. interface: 9/10 the menu looks pretty good and is easy to use. This cheat is just buy, then cheat... within minutes. Security: 10/10 never been banned. Played multiple games a day, on and off. Probably had about 80-100 hrs. rage: 6/10 it is very good. You won't have a problem dealing with anyone, except for people with rage cheats. This cheat is not meant for raging I don't think, but if you want to you can a little bit. bhop 8.5/10 it looks really legit. And if it worked any better it would be fishy and I wouldn't use it, but some autostrafe of something would be nice for raging/messing around setting up process: 10/10 nevwr had a cheat that was as easy to use as this one. staff: 10/10 despite language barriers, they still helped me when ever I had the smallest of problems. Honestly some cheats like AA or I webz are decent, but their staff is terrible.... this is a big deal and reason I'm going to invest in the rust chest as soon as possible
  15. My question is basically, is this going to be in the public to buy? Or is there a way I can secure a position to invest? Just wanna known if when this chest comes out, will it be available for everyone or just friends
  16. I tried it, it didn't work.... Now I'm split between using your aimbot and my ESP.... Don't have enough right now to purchase your ESP but I might one day... I was interested in making a video on your cheat also if you guys don't feel like it
  17. thanks for the nearly instant reply
  18. Could I run my private cheat while simultaneously running your cheat? would this get me vacced? would they cancel each other out? I want to know because i would like your aimbot etc. but i have my own ESP..... could i run my ESP and your aimbot pack?
  19. Ok, I understand. Thanks for the reply.
  20. Was wondering if there is going to be a slot system and if I could be put on a signup list... or is it going to be a public purchase system? just curious is all .... thanks for replies
  21. So I was wondering if your cheat has Psilent or if you guys plan to add it. I heard that it is easily detectable, but was just wondering.
  22. I might try this cheat soon, and post some vids on it... I was wondering how legit the aim bot looks
  23. I would like to get involved and become apart of this community in the near future. I found out after I came here that some of you guys are french, and I found this kind of cool because I speak French as well (however I'm primarily English) I want to get to know some of you... maybe we could play some csgo together or something? I use my own cheat (that a friend and I made) that is gonna stay private. my csgo smurf has 350hrs with cheats, as I am very safe with what I do (I really only use a type of ESP) I play rust as well, but I do not have any cheats for that game.... But if you ever need someone to play with I have 1500hrs was thinking of buying this cheat for csgo, or even rust if I could and making a show case/ad for the cheat. (Snow ball mic, decent voice, good at editing) really looking forward to becoming apart of this community and getting to know you guys! Happy holidays! aussi, si vous êtes francais c'est d'accord avec moi (mais j'ai un accent)
  24. Thanks for replying with haste. If you guys need help soliciting your csgo cheat, I would be happy to get the word out there. I was wondering if recording and advertising your cheat would be ok?...Or do you wish to stay "under the radar" let me know!
  25. Hello! I am new to this community but not to the hacking scene. I am looking for a community to get involved in and get to know. I am a native English speaker, however I speak French as well. I play cs and rust and was looking for a rust cheat and I stumble upon this site. If I could get any information on this cheat that would be great! Thanks for the info and happy holidays
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