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stezz last won the day on May 26 2017

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About stezz

  • Birthday 08/29/1997

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  1. okay, that's unfortunate but i'm sure how02 will figure it out. ty
  2. Was curious if the rust cheat is still marketed privately. Back when i had my old pc, I remember the cheat was pretty clean and would like to try it on my new pc. If it is only for a few members for security that's understandable, but i thought i'd inquiry anyways.
  3. Anyone selling, or know of any sellers that would provide me with a rust account under $7... I have a vpn, so a link to any legit sales site would be nice. also would my Cyberghost VPN be able to allow me to purchase this? https://www.g2a.com/rust-steam-key-ru-cis-i10000001781012
  4. I recognize your name but can't pin where i know you from.... how long have you been around here for? lol
  5. I think it's great when there is a solid communication between developers and users. I understand the discord channel is a great place for updates and anouncments, but I am suggestioning a devblog of sorts. maybe I'm not seeing something, but I think it would be cool if we had a section where we could get bi-weekly or monthly updates of what is being works on. i understand why this might be a bad idea (time consuming and perhaps a bit redundant to some), but it would definitely be appreciated by me as well as others.
  6. stezz


    Couldn't have said it better myself. A very constructive review indeed. superb editing.
  7. Prestige, I don't mean to be rude. But, no one cares about your rep. if you are going to be disrespectful, please rethink before posting.
  8. You don't care about this site, yet your donate. Peculiar investment strategies.
  9. I have minimal knowledge on computer upgrading, and actually bough a prebuilt computer a couple years ago. i want to know what PCI cable I need, on my graphics card there are two 6 pin ports. I need to know what I need to install this, (what cord matches power source and graphics card) My pc the new card I want to install: vision TEK 6, Radeon HD 6870
  10. I wouldn't mind playing rust with you sometime, and show you how good the rust cheat is.
  11. This same question, or ones similar to it, have been posted many times. I recommend you look around the forums and get to know the community; it's great. Concerning the Rust Hack, you must be granted an invisible rank, called "invited". You can be chosen by a trusted member, then a staff will look into you. Once you are "Trusted" or "Invited", you will be able to purchase the Rust Hack for 35euros/month. Unless under the current circumstances, if you have access to a priveledged cheat, you must buy it once a month to ensure your access to it. like I said before, get to know the community. Go join the discord, meet some new people. Just don't befriend someone solely for an invite, that's low. also, stay away from shiro, he's square
  12. Unstuck, they dont want former cheaters playing their game. They made an announcement once telling a dude to stop buying the game, because they dont want former cheaters.
  13. Cheats here go through private testing before release..... Stick around and show some support. I'm sure if you are active and show that you are cool, you will be considered (if it ends up being private)
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