eac is able to ban your mainboard, ram, hdd/ssd ,cpu and gpu so you need to change the part that is hwid banned, but i think they are banning all computer parts at once, so you need to buy a new computer or use a spoofer to be able to play again
correct me if i am wrong
do you even read what people said before you reply ???
i will repeat it just for you...
they are not deleting info about your hwid, soooooo you wont get unbanned.....
it looks more legit for sure, but that wont help if the cheat itself gets detected. when you want skins, buy some cheap one for 10$ in total, so the loss wont be too high
The cheat could get detected at any time. I doesn't matter how good you are hiding the cheat. It's not worth to buy skins with an account you are cheating. Maybe you can survive 1.2.3. Months/years but you will probably be banned someday and lose your skins
EAC talking a lot of shit. I'm hwid banned on my laptop and I still have to wait 1 month for the 3 month period. I will reply to this thread again when I'm sure
That doesn't work. At UC there is a thread about GDPR removal and everyone who tried to get hwid unbanned failed. EAC removed all personal info but the people still get banned
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