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Arithmo last won the day on December 25 2016

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  1. There's a difference. Trusted = you can invite to private cheats. Your chances of being invited to the cheat are higher if you're a donor.
  2. oh no! Im in
  3. When your half assed comment wins ???
  4. Giving advice with such little experience and hours?? If you cheat you're getting banned, regardless.
  5. I just change my IP, DHCP Lease op
  6. We need a media section haha
  7. I think only kicks show up in console logs
  8. How could you use me like that
  9. Hack does not have it all, has what most people want though.
  10. I've stuck around for the 5+ months the cheat has been worked on and for the last month, I can tell you there's been a lot of improvements. The cheat doesn't necessarily fulfill my own play style but it's definitely a great cheat overall. Aimbot Prediction - 9/10 The aimbot, for what it is, is over powered. Every shot is a nice Crunch haha. The prediction was okay at first but now I'm killing people with a booty at 350m+ and pulling heli like it's nothing at 1500m+ Visuals - 8/10 There's a few things I personally think are missing but other than that it has just about everything you'd need. Easily distinguish nodes and such which is an amazing feature. Nothing else to it to haha. Misc - 7/10 Sadly, the miscs didn't cut it for me. They're not bad but need improvements. Ladder hack works but needs to be changed up a bit to be as smooth as it should be. No fall has some weird slowing down of your motion which isn't necessary as I've always used cheats that just set onground to true and you don't take fall damage. Speed hack lags you because of how high the game speed is. No recoil/sway/spread is just like any other cheat, does what it needs to do, works fine. Gravity hack is good at 1.3, jump over a whole wall no issue. Nothing else I can say, it gets the job done. Performance - 8/10 I seem to lag more on official servers than modded / community servers. You'll get smooth fps on just about any server that's not official. Speed hack lags you too haha. Security 9/10 Hasn't been detected and it's been going under heavy work for the last 5 or so months. Hopefully with the "invite" system they placed it doesn't get detected. Overall 8.5/10 If you're in the need of a cheat and want a good aimbot, then bss will do just that for you. Has some basic must have essentials, could be improved, and gets the job done! There really isn't any "wow wtf omg" features but it has what most people will want and need. Don't antagonize UnstucK or how02, they worked hard enough already.
  11. "It's better getting a server ban than a game ban" I beg to differ, I've lost accounts because of this as they directly report you to FP devs through their connections and have evidence against you.
  12. It'll be here when they want it to ?
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