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Everything posted by oopsigotbanned

  1. since your videos are public why not just link your channel instead of spamming the media section
  2. I don't play CSGO so i guess this is sarcasm the cheat is pretty cheap tho perhaps il try it heheehe
  3. thank you sir. I never did say I wasn't an idiot myself
  4. Your videos are PUBLIC and you dont hide your game name etc. Not a great idea!
  5. finally a video with decent music
  6. Typical chinese player... spraying at long distance.... sigh. And his videos are public....uses several accounts so prob banned already... Beatservice is another account last played 2 weeks ago. Dont know why Black sector sell to these chinese idiots
  7. unreal. You use a legit cheat and play like a cunt... you are no good to this community
  8. a dayz cheat would have to be really cheap for me to purchase.... the game sucks ass
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