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Everything posted by BashlightMemes

  1. how long are you lasting?
  2. I love it! Keep it up, man.
  3. Congratulations! You have invented what I hope will be an amazing creation!
  4. Can tell you put time into this review and really like the cheat. Nice review!
  5. Damn, I am very glad that you are okay. That cat also seems very interested in your car
  6. I work full time as someone trying to make the cheating community better
  7. Left a like. I love it
  8. In H1Z1 King of the Kill, after 3 bans your IP get's banned and you need to use a VPN. This has the same anti-cheat but I'm not sure if the bans work the same. The person who told me this information is on youtube with over 6.5k and is known for hacking on H1Z1 and making people report him on reddit. Therefor, I can confirm this is true because he get's banned over and over again. But as I said, I'm not completely sure about PubG.
  9. Hacking is great. Mainly because the cheating community is absolutely amazing!
  10. I cheated for the first time about 3 years ago and still can't stop even if I wanted to. It's worse than cigs in my opinion
  11. Liked it up. Great video!
  12. Left a like. I really enjoyed!
  13. I suggest vanilla, less chance of ban
  14. Thanks for the information!
  15. Not boring in my opinion. Very good video. Especially for starter.
  16. I've seen cheats with unlimited ammo (Bottomless Clip). I feel that would be pretty cool if it's still even possible.
  17. I like it!
  18. I love it!
  19. I'm sure people like you are the reason Black Sector is still currently a live and running project.
  20. Congrats! (May be late but I'd still like to be a kind contribution to the community).
  21. I like it, keep it up!
  22. A player not cheating is a player with no soul
  23. Nope, it's 35 euro a month. You may be thinking of a different game or, a different provider in general.
  24. I would love to see a paladins cheat. Completely agree with all statements made above!
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