hello to all guys. :-)
first of all I want to say
that bss comunity is wonderful. !!
1. AIMBOT simply fantastic!
he carries out his work in a straightforward manner
the prediction of the movement
it's really impeccable.
be legit and almost impossible :-).
another function (in my opinion) fundamental
it's that of being able to
use a filter for animals too.
useful when hunting or when you are chased by LOOL wolves
my VOTE is 10/10.
2. ESP wonderful!
there is everything you need
nothing is missing at all.
personalization is
great you will have fun to find
your favorite setup.
I really like the font
used, clear is clearly legible
all absolutely without lag
my VOTE is 10/10.
here little to say is great
very useful when doing farming
and do not look around.
my vote is 10/10
4.MISC here too there is all that is needed to not be banned. (I mean fly hack / spidermen
/ dubble jump
etc.) really great.
my VOTE is 10/10
5. COLOR MANAGER this is also very useful
gives that touch of personalization that does not
never fails .. even here you will have fun to find
your favorite setup.
my VOTE is 10/10
7.LOCATION MARKER I find it really amazing
mark the favorite places is
very helpful. especially my own base I even
the bases you want to shave on the ground
my VOTE is 10/10
8. CROSSAIR SELECTION I'm a total of 10 crossair
I find them beautiful my favorite and always + lol.
my VOTE is 10/10
here too there is everything you need without too many keys that only confuse the ideas.
my VOTE is 10/10
10. SETTING obviously to save their own custom setups
really very useful.
by default you will find a setup
already present is that it is very good already so!
my VOTE is 10/10.
I state that in my life
or used many cheats of all kinds for each type of game.
but cheating in RUST remains exciting like no other game.
I tried other cheat for rust
obviously all private ..
I can tell you that for BSS
is the best! also calculating the price at which it is sold.
a big thank you to the developers who have done a great job!
I'm glad I had the chance to be part of BSS