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Everything posted by Lune

  1. Think i started 3-4 months ago but cannot play video games right now
  2. Lune

    cs go cheat

    go to blacksector.solutions/store
  3. How can I apply
  4. How that stupid people see theirselves have right to ban the hardware. Maybe I buy an used PC? Maybe we have only 1 PC at home and sharing it? Is it mandatory to all people to have their own PCs and use it for a lifetime? It's absolutely ridiculous
  5. Was there any motherboard info in the cencored lines?
  6. I think they're pretty sure no one's gonna sue
  7. They operate in the UK, i don't know about their laws. They may have the same law with EU for now
  8. Hello community, actually I've seen on other website, haven't tested by myself but some people wrote it works. This is worth a try, according to the EU laws, you can ask the host to remove your personal information. (Like EAC who's operating in Finland :)) ) Go to EASY.AC Go to support and appeal the ban for Rust. Login and fill everything. At the reason, state that you want them to send you all the data they have about you, and then to remove it from their system. OPTIONAL: You can tell them to delete your personal data under the rule "GDPR" --> https://gdpr-info.eu/ After 24h they should reply with confirmation. I've seen somebody tried it and got a reply from EAC says they deleted the information including HWID This should work with any EAC protected game, but Rust devs are known for manually banning, so they may have a second shitlist aside from EAC. Thanks to CZERO
  9. Love the legit hacker reviews. Thanks +rep
  10. I don't think only 1 report did something. We all get reports even playing legit
  11. Rust game music playlist on Youtube
  12. Lune

    Rust Cheat

    Yeah when I show the review videos to my friends they all go amazed
  13. Here for rust
  14. I'm listening this for 20 times per day lol
  15. Lune

    New Rust hack video

    To not get banned and protect the software, dont piss the FP so you can continue cheating?
  16. Lune

    New Rust hack video

    Any admin will see you ban man. Maybe try a little bit legit? Nice music+video.combination. Was fun to watch Waiting more videos
  17. Lune

    Rust Review

    Nice and long enough. Thank you for the review +rep
  18. Eurovision 2010 list
  19. I promised myself quitting pubg like 5 times? It's nearly impossible to quit
  20. Will definetly use ESP and Freecam most
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