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Everything posted by bobbafatso

  1. Just a question about just that, isn`t that kinda illegal in a way? I am pretty sure that i did read something about just that. Cant remember the details, but the conclusion was that some of the stuff these facepunch guys do is actually a no go. I could be totaly wrong and mix this with another game.
  2. Its most likely just account ban, get a new one and go in again. I have been through the same in certain servers some time ago.
  3. Yea actually yesterday, the guys i killed was actually cheating and slaughtering people. So i went there and got killed twice, 3rd time i got them. The storm of salt by that episode alone ended up with me getting kicked and i didn`t even answer those kids in a bad way. I dont really understand why they got so mad though.
  4. I recommend swiftgames, its 100% legit and the support is top notch.
  5. That is very true indeed. Nice, jumping on a s1000rr from scratch is brave lol.
  6. Anyone here have a gsxr 600 or r6? Is that a ok first road bike?
  7. 4000 is alot.. Its not really that expensive where i live, but the bikes combined with insurance is just not in my league:p
  8. Nice bike. Sry, i dont ride. I wish i did though, i really do. But in the past, insurance prices was so high so it was really never a reality for me, so i kinda just had to leave it. Had some friends who used to ride, it was so nice to hop on now and then.
  9. Mc Xander has some cool stuff to
  10. I know this is an old thread, but i rather post here instead of creating a new one. Anyway, this is a old one, but i think its good
  11. It looks amazing from what i have seen on this forum Ty for the review
  12. Watched on youtube, very impressive.
  13. Nice video, could have been in english or with text though.
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