Another way can be all accomplished in 15 minutes
1: Uninstall rust and steam with revo uninstaller. Do a manual search in regedit for rust, steam, facepunch and easyanticheat and delete all registry entries.
2. Reboot your PC.
3: Change computer name and user name: - To change computer name right click my computer then properties then change settings then under first top tab computer name under computer description type in new description...Then on same tab click change and under computer name put new name in and press ok
4: Change registered owner name. Open regedit go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion You need to change Registered owners name, computer name and user name
5. Change your Product I.D and install date.
6: Then in same section change your GUID (If GUID is not there search for machineguid and delete it then reboot) Can use guid generaqtor
7: Delete everything and all the folders in c:/windows/prefetch
8: Change your MAC address. (You can use tmac to do this if you are unsure how to do it).
9. Change your IP. (If you modem is connected router change the routers MAC adress restart it . disconnect everything from the modem except for the router and restart both at the same time .... walla you got new ip adress)
10. Change your HWID (You can use hwid-changer from here: 11. Reboot your PC. 12. All done, you can now install STEAM, RUST and buy new account without automatic bans.