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GBFRambo last won the day on September 22 2018

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1 Neutral

About GBFRambo

  • Birthday 01/01/1998

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  1. Has there been any thought about creating a Ring Of Elysium hack? -AK
  2. GBFRambo

    CS:GO Full

    I've been a member of BlackSector for just about a year now. I have bought the CS:GO Full hacks a few times now and I can say they're great. The in-game menu itself is very thorough and everything seems to work great. On top of that, before you inject, it shows the status (detected/undectected) of the hack which let's you know that you're always safe. Great hacks and the BlackSector team is great also. Looking forward to the Rust hacks to release. -GBFR
  3. Do you have to be invited to be able to see the Fortnite hacks? Or are they just being worked on currently?
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