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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. Was bored, make sure to +1 xdd
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  2. It was meant to be sped up because its a full gameplay, I didn’t want it to be a killcam. But thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it <3
  3. looks disgusting tbh
  4. Congratz, enjoy cleaning poop for the lest of your life
  5. Socialengineering is key.
  6. wheres my rep back kuk
  7. If you're banned in PUBG, all of your accounts along with your HWID, will get banned. So don't bother buying a new copy unless you're planning to buy a new HDD/SDD + resetting your windows
  8. this "Professional Guide to get unbanned" is common sense, even my adopted asian kid knows this
  9. ok but this is common sense, no point in posting it here?
  10. Nice template ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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