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Chrys4lislove last won the day on August 25 2017

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  1. @Archangel74 This guy had bought rust subscription a while ago and his subscription expired. But he is sure that it shouldn`t have expired as the cheat was\is detected and his sub should be frozen. Can you check on him. //Creating this thread cuz he is Russian and can`t properly write in English.
  2. Fortnite cheat is not for sale anymore, you can`t buy it
  3. Yeah, nice gameplay vid but i`d rather see some highlights then just speed up vid.
  4. I don`t understand portuguese but review is good! Thanks!
  5. And i gave just a funny answer
  6. Nice video! P.S. Commenting ur sig: or just live in Russia and don`t run ur cheat as official company.
  7. it is VAC-wave for cs go hacks
  8. Yes, u can activate it using any VPN which offers Russian IP
  9. Did u play with one of detected hacks?Cuz as i mentioned in the post BSS is staying undetected
  10. today, but it will take some time for www.vac-ban.com to update info about scales
  11. V1RTUS` VAC SCANNER IS THE BESTEEE rofl i am scanning my dick with it everyday
  12. There has been another VAC-wave, no info about scales yet. The most important thing is BlackSectorSolution is staying Undetected ! There are talks that the following cheats have been detected today: Hooktronic - DETECTED ! (Free / Paid ) 5Dollars - DETECTED ! Redeye - DETECTED ! 420cheats - DETECTED ! iCheats - DETECTED ! (someones VAC ban) Darkaim - DETECTED ! Hentaiware - DETECTED ! (all bans delay) legacyaim - DETECTED !( Server CSGO Maintenance) x22cheat - DETECTED ! blanc-cheats - DETECTED ! (Cheat offline) iniuria - DETECTED ! Isolation-Detected! Some ruski cheats: Breakthrough - DETECTED ! D3M - DETECTED ! REBOOT - DETECTED ! R8 - DETECTED ! (mostly like rumors) FREEQN - DETECTED ! MacHook - DETECTED ! leth - DETECTED ! ketics - DETECTED ! PrimalHack - DETECTED ! Rxcheats - DETECTED ! NOTICE! Some info may be fake
  13. From now i am with BlackSector community and will be staying here for a loooong time.In general, cheat is nice but it is raw, needs a lot to improve. Aimbot: 9.0/10 Easy to configure, really legit looking, has some advanced settings.I created simple legit config for like 10 mins so the only thing i need not is to adjust it a bit. I`d like to see more unique advanced settings,aslo standalone RCS is missing.I really like the aimbot itself Visuals(esp): 10\10 Has everything it needs, looks sexy Triggerbot: 10\10 I don`t use it much but it is quite customizable. Maybe triggeraim could be added for perfection Misc: 4\10 Really poor functionality - No autostrafe which is the worst thing, autopistol should be moved to aim section. Skinchanger: 8\10 I have skins duplicates in skin list, skins are not filtered for weapons they just mixed up, i want to see only existing skins for certain weapon, so i couldn`t apply skin which doesn`t exist for this weapon.Needs glove changer. Other: Color manager and bind manager are really cool. Staff: I give them 1000000 faggots of 10, love them, happy to see familiar faces from..you know from where, especially VIRTUS.
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